"I will make a covenant of peace (shalom) with them and eliminate harmful beasts from the land so that they may live securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods." Ezekiel 34:25
Saturday, May 30, 2020
This inspiring video was sent to me from a company that represents Christian music artists. I thought it was very good.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Hawaii Blessing
My friend, Mariann, sent this wonderful blessing to me this morning so I wanted to share it with you. Don't just watch and listen, but receive it. The Lord Jesus is for you!
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
"Plandemic" Movie and Dr Mercola's Analysis of the Info Presented
If you have been trying to see the Plandemic Documentary but have discovered all the links don't work anymore, you might want to read Dr. Mercola's article and watch it on his website. Here is the conclusion of his analysis of the movie:
"Again, if you’ve been barraged with articles telling you “Plandemic” is a “hoax” and that Mikovits is a disgraced researcher whose work has been “debunked,” please, do your own research. Some truths are hard to swallow, but they’re crucial if we care about our own, let alone public, health.
If you want to see my excellent interview with Judy that is three times as long as the above video, you can view the video [at the end of his article.]" Dr. Mercola
Here is the entire article. A video of Dr. Mercola's interview with Dr. Mikovitz can be seen at the end of the article. I encourage you to watch it, or at least read the article. The link I posted several days ago has been taken down from YouTube.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked
"Again, if you’ve been barraged with articles telling you “Plandemic” is a “hoax” and that Mikovits is a disgraced researcher whose work has been “debunked,” please, do your own research. Some truths are hard to swallow, but they’re crucial if we care about our own, let alone public, health.
If you want to see my excellent interview with Judy that is three times as long as the above video, you can view the video [at the end of his article.]" Dr. Mercola
Here is the entire article. A video of Dr. Mercola's interview with Dr. Mikovitz can be seen at the end of the article. I encourage you to watch it, or at least read the article. The link I posted several days ago has been taken down from YouTube.
'Plandemic' Documentary
- May 20, 2020
- “Plandemic” features Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a cellular and molecular biologist whose research showed that many vaccines are contaminated with gammaretroviruses, thanks to the fact that they use viruses grown in contaminated animal cell lines
- Mikovits’ career was destroyed because her team discovered vaccines can spread gammaretroviruses that in turn can trigger diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, certain kinds of autism, cancers, leukemias and lymphomas
- Retroviruses are integrated into the host cell genome, resulting in long-term expression. Once they’re in your body, they can remain dormant, only to reactivate when conditions are favorable
- In 2009, Mikovits and her team discovered and isolated the first human gammaretrovirus family of retroviruses, known then as XMRVs — viruses that infect human cells, yet are not human viruses
- Mikovits believes SARS-CoV-2 may activate or wake up a dormant retrovirus infection that then causes the symptoms of COVID-19
The 26-minute documentary “Plandemic,” part 1, by Mikki Willis, features Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., a cellular and molecular biologist1 whose research showed that many vaccines are contaminated with gammaretroviruses, thanks to the fact that they use viruses grown in contaminated animal cell lines.
Mikovits suspects COVID-19 may in fact be a type of vaccine-derived or vaccine-induced retroviral infection, and she’s undoubtedly qualified to comment on this disease because of her groundbreaking research on retroviruses.
In other words, she believes SARS-CoV-2 merely serves to activate or wake up a dormant XMRV infection, which then causes the symptoms of COVID-19. Work done by Mikovits between 2009 and 2011 suggested 25 million to 30 million Americans were carriers of XMRVs and other gammaretroviruses.
Seeing how that estimate is over a decade old, that number is now likely to be far higher. In my view, her hypothesis is an interesting one that should warrant further investigation.
Censorship and Discrediting Campaign Is in Full Swing
As expected, this film is being censored from all mainstream media networks, including, of course, YouTube. To get around the censorship, Willis is asking people to download, share and upload on other sites as they please.
That there’s an upswell of public awareness is evidenced by the fact that Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are all said to be “struggling” to quell the tidal spread of the film. As reported by CNET:2
“Two simple searches on YouTube on Friday morning found nine copies of the video, with a combined 295,000 views. After CNET contacted YouTube with links to the copies, all but one were removed for violating community guidelines.”
The rise of public awareness is also evidenced by the fact that Mikovits’ latest book, “Plague of Corruption,”3 released April 14, 2020, rose to become a No. 1 best-seller within the first week. In it, she names names, and one of them is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the much-beloved leader of the White House’s pandemic response team. It’s not surprising then that the discrediting campaign against her and Willis is equally robust.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Perps Behind COVID-19 Analysis by Ronnie Cummins
If you haven't already read this article posted on Mercola.com today, and you are one of those who likes to know the truth, I believe you will find it enlightening, informative and alarming.
Analysis by Ronnie Cummins
The Perps Behind COVID-19
“I am not saying that China deliberately released this, shooting itself in the foot. But it was clear they were developing an extremely dangerous unknown biological weapon that had never been seen before, and it leaked out of the lab…
I personally believe that until our political leaders come clean with the American people, both at the White House and in Congress and our state government, and publicly admit that this is an extremely dangerous offensive biological warfare weapon that we are dealing with, I do not see that we will be able to confront it and to stop it, let alone defeat it.” ~ Dr. Francis Boyle, International Bioweapons Expert, April 15, 2020
According to Johns Hopkins University, as of April 29, 2020, COVID-19 has infected more than 3 million people and killed at least 210,000 worldwide. Those are big numbers, considering the fact that six short months ago, few members of the general public had ever heard of the coronavirus. Almost no one was harboring fears of a looming and deadly global pandemic.
But here we are. As our new reality sinks in, as we adjust to lockdowns and home schooling and long lines at grocery stores, as we look for ways to protect ourselves and our families — and as some grieve for lost loved ones — most of us are also seeking answers.
Why does this virus cause so many mysterious symptoms? Why are some cases mild, others deadly? How can we protect ourselves? Whose advice should we follow? But the biggest questions of all are these: Where did COVID-19 come from? And how can we prevent this from ever happening again?
The answers to these questions may be too disturbing to ponder, especially while we’re still grappling with the impact of the virus on nearly every aspect of our lives. But our failure to investigate, and directly address, the origins of SARS-CoV-2 almost certainly guarantees our failure to protect ourselves from future, possibly even more deadly, pandemics.
Science Most Foul
Thousands of dangerous viruses and other pathogens, such as the bat coronavirus and the avian flu, are being collected in the wild by Chinese, U.S. and international researchers. These viruses are then analyzed and weaponized (i.e. genetically engineered, manipulated, recombined) in secretive, accident-prone, labs like the Wuhan Virology Lab in China or the U.S. Army Lab in Fort Detrick, Maryland.
Coronaviruses typically have a narrow host range, infecting one or just a few species, such as bats. However, using targeted RNA recombination, gene engineers can manipulate viruses such as COVID-19 for “gain of function” to enable them to infect other species (i.e. human cells), interfere with immune system response and readily spread through the air.
A growing arsenal of synthetic viruses have been lab-engineered, despite U.S. and international laws banning biowarfare weapons and experimentation. A disturbing number of these so-called “dual use” Biowarfare/Biodefense labs have experienced leaks, accidents and thefts over the past three decades. As the well-respected Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently warned: (continue reading here)
Monday, May 11, 2020
Never Let Fear Make Your Decision
Many years ago I heard the phrase, "Never let fear make your decision" and realized how true it was and how often I had let my fears rule my life. It has been a life-long daily battle to choose faith and renounce fear.
How important it is to remember that any decision made because of fear is not trusting God. Fear is not a gift of the Holy Spirit but a tool of the devil to keep us in his power. During this so-called pandemic it seems that many are nearly paralyzed by fear. Have you noticed? We are bombarded with bad news 24/7 and many of us (if not most) are listening and making our decisions accordingly.
If that is you, it is time to repent. It is time to seek God's Will and Way and to follow the best we can, no matter what the consequences even if our emotions are screaming fearful thoughts.
Renounce the spirit of fear. Turn away and replace any thoughts of fear by those of God. He tells us not to fear, that He has not given us a spirit of fear, that we are to have no anxious thoughts but to give thanks in all things, that we are to think on things that are lovely and pure and of a good report, that He uses all things to work together for our good. It's time to take back control of our own lives. This is still a (somewhat) free country but it won't be for long if we don't stand for the rights earned for us by the many who gave their lives that we might have them. Stand up! Take courage! Be a light! Spread the Good News! Live an example of a life based on God's faithfulness instead of fear!
I choose to never let fear make my decisions!
How important it is to remember that any decision made because of fear is not trusting God. Fear is not a gift of the Holy Spirit but a tool of the devil to keep us in his power. During this so-called pandemic it seems that many are nearly paralyzed by fear. Have you noticed? We are bombarded with bad news 24/7 and many of us (if not most) are listening and making our decisions accordingly.
If that is you, it is time to repent. It is time to seek God's Will and Way and to follow the best we can, no matter what the consequences even if our emotions are screaming fearful thoughts.
Renounce the spirit of fear. Turn away and replace any thoughts of fear by those of God. He tells us not to fear, that He has not given us a spirit of fear, that we are to have no anxious thoughts but to give thanks in all things, that we are to think on things that are lovely and pure and of a good report, that He uses all things to work together for our good. It's time to take back control of our own lives. This is still a (somewhat) free country but it won't be for long if we don't stand for the rights earned for us by the many who gave their lives that we might have them. Stand up! Take courage! Be a light! Spread the Good News! Live an example of a life based on God's faithfulness instead of fear!
I choose to never let fear make my decisions!
Pastor Exposes Banking Elite Corruption and Virus Hoax
Another mesage that corroborates what most of us have discovered and believe. I especially found his timeline helpful.
This virus was perpetrated on the world to ruin the economy and control the 'peasants'. How amazing what 'the powers that be' have been able to do in 2 short months!! And we have let them!
I have been praying and declaring for several years that Christians, in particular, need to get a backbone! It is time to stand for righteousness!
Saturday, May 9, 2020
"The Virus & America's Manifest Destiny in 2020" by Henry Falany
I totally agree with this man and I love the way he expresses himself! I am so tired of the incessant propaganda that is causing such fear and irrationality among usually clear thinking adults! Let's put an end to it!
Some articles and conversations I've heard out there say this is a pandemic, and that God sent this thing to turn America around. Now, let's consider that for a moment. Let's look at America as a big ship going the wrong way. In all its sin it is sailing straight toward doom and disaster. With all the craziness that has been going on in this country I can see and understand that reasoning and concern. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
This stuff should make you hat-stomping mad. That means you are so mad you throw your hat down and stomp on it! (Photo via PickPik)

"The Virus & America's Manifest Destiny in 2020"
Henry Falany, Mariposa, California
Did God Send This Pandemic to Turn America Around?
This discourse is in response to what I see as a "false" reasoning out there regarding the so-called "pandemic" and it being God-sent. I hope it brings encouragement and clarification to the Body of Christ so that they know how to think and how to stand – which will affect how we pray and decree.
For openers and getting right to the point – this crisis is a sickness that is fear-driven. Jesus never uses sickness to straighten us out. And God has not given us the spirit of fear!
One word of admonition here – Don't go back to the Old Testament to prove that God uses sickness and plagues today. The New Covenant clearly does away with that idea. According to what the Word tells us, "That dog won't hunt."
Hebrews 1:1-3 tells us distinctly that Jesus, not the Old Testament prophets, is now our example. He clearly set Himself, and the Church, against sickness and disease. In His earthly ministry He never used sickness to straighten anyone out and teach them a lesson. And He always said, "Fear not," or "Let not your heart be troubled."
I say "false" because their reasoning does not line up with the Word of God. I say "so-called pandemic" because the numbers simply are not there to support the claim of a run-away plague, especially in California.
If you remove the media and the government reports you have no pandemic – period! There is still no death from the virus in Mariposa County – zero! And percentage wise, there are very few cases in all the other counties of California.
When I checked the official numbers on April 29, 2020, there were approximately 1,887 deaths in the whole state of California, and most of them actually died with other major problems. 1,000 of those are all in L.A. County. So when you look at the rest of the state the numbers are extremely low.
California has a population of about 40 million people. L.A. County has a population of about 10 million people. So, the 30 million Californians outside of L.A. have only seen 884 deaths. That's much less than the normal flu and many other diseases.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Using "the good sense that God gave a goose," let's do the simple math...884 divided by 30,000,000 equals a 0.000029 chance of dying of this thing; that puts it somewhere between "slim and none"!
So, according to the real numbers, all the "shelter-in-place" orders by the state, which are constitutionally illegal themselves (in the state and U.S.), are total nonsense anyway! It was never necessary to shut the country down, close the churches, establish a police state, make crooks out of good citizens, and devastate the national economy and American way of life.
Check out these two Doctors and what they say here.
Make no mistake, the millions of people originally forecasted to be infected by the virus in America was a plan of the devil to shock everyone into getting scared and getting them to climb aboard the "panicky pandemic train"...and sadly, to a great extent, it worked. That's why God calls people sheep.

However, let's back up and look at the big picture. The big ship was already turning back toward holiness and righteousness well before this crisis. The Church (the huge remnant of fiery prayer warriors – which I call the engine room of the ship) in this country, and especially this state, has been hard at it for years. A mighty roar of the Lion of Judah has been thundering into the ears of our merciful Lord and Savior praying for our nation. Here are just a few of the results:
• The Supreme Court, and many district courts, have been profoundly turning more holy since 2016.
• Roe vs Wade is now doomed.
• Common sense and righteousness have returned to the White House.
• Frequent Spirit-led prayer meetings are now in the White House.
• Israel is being honored and blessed by our country at a whole new level, including the U.S. Embassy being moved to Jerusalem.
These are things that place the hand of God directly onto a country and its people.
So no...this crisis is not a move of God that He is using to turn America around. It is an attack of the devil that God will make him sorry for by turning it for good. I Know we still have a ways to go to get right, but remember, God doesn't look so much at where we are, as where we are going.
Besides, our gracious and loving God knows how to reap a harvest out of hurricanes and a bountiful crop out of train wrecks!
Moreover, He will probably use this mess by putting an angel in the wheelhouse of the ship to pour on the power and put the "giddy-up" on the turn of the ship, steering it faster toward her manifest destiny – which is Him and His plan for America.
No, He did not send this virus but watch Him use it.
There Is a Good and Healthy Rebellion
We all know that the Bible says that "rebellion is as witchcraft." But remember that is only referring to rebellion against God. Rebelling against an evil regime is not what that is talking about. There are some Bible characters that prove this little point: Elijah, Jehu, John the Baptist, Peter, James and John and the apostle Paul – just to name a few. And then there was that fella that made Himself a whip and turned over some tables, and drove the knot-heads out of the Temple!
Also, don't forget that America was birthed from rebellion. Our forefathers were ordained of God to rebel against a tyrant kingdom. Those boys knew how to throw a real "tea party!" They also knew how to use those squirrel guns – running the creeks red with blood. That little, tiny Continental Army eventually, under the hand of God, sent the largest army on the planet packing with their tail between their legs.
Had George Washington lost that war, He and all the signers of the Declaration of Independence would have been hanged or shot for treason. But that rebellion birthed the greatest nation in history.
We believe it is time now for some godly rebellion from the Christians. It is time for the Bible-believing Christians to stand up and say "no" to the lunacy! Step out there and believe God!
Upside Down

Things are too upside down to even consider going with the flow...and remember, "only dead fish go with the flow." Just consider this:
• The numbers we already discussed.
• A liberal governor tells the church to shut down and it must obey.
• The tobacco shops and liquor stores are essential and open, but the churches are non-essential and closed down. Give me a Pentecostal break!
• A gal can't go to church but she can go get an abortion.
• The pet groomers are essential but the ladies can't go to the hair dresser.
• Doctors will tell you that isolating yourself lowers your immune system and increases your chances of getting all kinds of infections (see video).
• Doctors are reporting being pressured to state "COVID" on death certificates where it was not diagnosed.
• Follow the money – if a COVID-19 patient goes to the hospital Medicare pays $13,000. If that patient goes on a ventilator it gets $39,000 – three times as much.
• Many hospitals are going broke anyway because everybody is afraid.
• The farmers are plowing under their crops, euthanizing their livestock, and pouring milk down the drain while the food banks are being overwhelmed with people who need food.
There is a lot more insanity I could list here, but you get the point. Life has always been full of risks. It is past time to open the country all the way! Save the economy and people's livelihoods! It is time to stand on the Word and obey God, not man! God is ultimately in control of America.
Prayers and decrees by the Body of Christ are what are holding the virus at bay in this state and country, not the doctors, and not the governors. Other states that did not lock down are proving that.
America's Manifest Destiny
America is blessed of God! It was established by God to spread the Gospel to the world, to stand for good around the world, and to stand with His Israel until the fullness of time. A nation that is blessed of God does not get overtaken by a plague.
Good Little Sheep – or Lions of Judah?
So, if you run into my wife Grace or me anywhere in Mariposa, or around California, you will not see us staying at home as good, little brainwashed sheep, or wearing face masks, or trying to keep folks away from us. We will be respectful, but if you reach your hand out to us we will shake it firmly...and if you want a hug it can be a bear hug.
You see, we actually believe that the devil and his disease bows and submits to the Jesus in us. You know...that stuff in the Bible. Besides, Jesus said, "Go!" not "Whoa!"
We love y'all and say "Happy Trails" as we all ride out of this thing! We appreciate those great words in the Bible: "And it came to pass." And the old preacher responded, "Thank God it didn't come to stay!"
Henry Falany, Pastor and Revivalist
Mariposa Revival Center
Email: hisword@sti.net
Website: mariposarevivalcenter.org
Mariposa Revival Center
Email: hisword@sti.net
Website: mariposarevivalcenter.org
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Former AIDS Scientist Judy Mikovits PHD Exposes Dr FAUCI ,Dr BIRX HIV & ...
Here is another interview with Dr. Mikovits. I am grateful she has courageously been exposing this terrible darkness!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Update on Plandemic Documentary #3
It seems the video link through the website was on YouTube, also, so was deleted. Here is a new link sent by my good researcher friend, Juliette. I recommend watching it as soon as possible and sending the link to everyone you know.
Plandemic Documentary--additional info
As I thought might happen, several people have told me the Plandemic Documentary has been removed from YouTube. If the link no longer works to YouTube try this one to the Plandemic website.
Plandemic Documentary The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid 19
I believe everyone should see this documentary. If what she says is true, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, I can't imagine it will be available very long. Share it while you can.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Nolte: They Told Us Lockdowns Were About Flattening the Curve. They Lied.
This excellent article by John Nolte says what most reasonable people have been thinking. I wanted to make sure you didn't miss it. The propagation of fear has kept many of us from living a normal life. It's time to get back to trusting God and doing the things we've always done--like meeting with other Christians, hugging our grandchildren, shopping...
If you need more convincing read this article by an emergency room doctor in NYC who actually contracted COVID-19: https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-york-city-doctor-why-america-should-reopen
If you need more convincing read this article by an emergency room doctor in NYC who actually contracted COVID-19: https://www.theblaze.com/news/new-york-city-doctor-why-america-should-reopen
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