Thursday, January 31, 2019

'I Heard The Thunder Of His Voice!' Lana Vawser

This good word from Lana Vawser was posted on

'I Heard The Thunder Of His Voice!' Lana Vawser

January 28, 2019
Please Share-

Recently I had a powerful encounter with the Lord where I heard His voice thundering over His people, "Make up your mind!"

It wasn't an angry "make up your mind," it was a strong decree and invitation to partner with faith and to move away from being double-minded. 

The Lord showed me that there was an "entry point" for the enemy to come in with his torment, fear and oppression that was in the hearts and minds of God's people and that "entry point" was called "DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS."

"When you are half-hearted and wavering it leaves you unstable. Can you really expect to receive anything from the Lord when you're in that condition?" James 1:7-8 (The Passion Translation)

This strong decree of the Lord caused every part of my being to shake under the power and authority in His words. The decree and invitation was so strong that it resonated in the atmosphere, "Make up your mind to believe what I have said!!!" 

I watched as many of God's people were being "tossed to and fro" in so many ways as this double-mindedness was causing their emotions to run high, it was causing anxiety, it was causing intense fear and the enemy was using it to amplify the sound of fear and intimidation.

But as the Lord decreed, "MAKE UP YOUR MIND," I saw this roar come out of God's people. It was a roar that said, "I will NOT listen to my emotions. I will NOT listen to the lies. I will NOT listen to anything else but what He is saying and I will NOT take this anymore."

Raise My Word to the Highest Place

I heard the Lord say, "Raise My Word to the highest place" and suddenly I had a vision where I saw the Word of God on the same level as the fears, as the lies of the enemy and circumstances. The Lord was thundering, "RAISE MY WORD TO THE HIGHEST PLACE." It was a choice to "make up minds" of ultimate truth and that ultimate truth is Jesus Christ and the Word of God. 

The Lord spoke again, "As My people repent for double mindedness and make up their mind to take Me at My Word and raise My Word to the highest place fear will flee and chains will break!!!!!!" 

I watched person after person on their face before the Lord repenting for double-mindedness and generational fear/intimidation fell off. Attacks of fear fled. Chains of torment, oppressive battles of the mind, anxiety, weariness, and lethargy suddenly fell off.

The Lord spoke again, "Do not wait for your emotions to "feel" My Word, take My Word now and feed upon it more than you ever have and watch how the breakthrough will continue to increase within you and then around you."

Double Vision will Clear

I heard the Lord say, "Double mindedness has caused 'double vision' in My people. They have not been able to see clearly because of their hearts being in this place. In the repentance of double mindedness and making up their mind again in faith, vision will not only clear, there will be a greater accuracy of clarity and strategy."

"My people are about to see further than they ever have."

Peace will be Restored

I watched as so many of God's people were in this major battle for peace every day. They would receive their peace, then suddenly it was gone. Then they would get their peace back and suddenly it was lost again. The Lord showed me that these places of "double-mindedness" were stealing their peace and in the place of "making up their minds again" peace was restored and concreted deeply.

The Lord spoke, "As My people make up their minds again and raise My Word to the highest place My peace that surpasses understanding will fill their hearts and minds and it will remain as they continue to make up their minds in faith."

"It's the Holy Spirit boot camp training that I am inviting My people into right now and the realm is faith. In this new era I am branding this new era with the decree of unstoppable faith."

Friends, let us be people who continue to live in the place of "making up our minds" to not tolerate, receive and focus upon anything but what He speaks. There is a major increase of faith taking place. There is a major work of His Spirit taking place in the body of Christ to break the chains of fear and intimidation. To see doubt and double-mindedness removed from hearts and the army of God rising up with the fire and conviction of the truth of God's Word and what He says being our ultimate reality.

"Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

Watch how your alignment with the Word of God and what He says will see a mighty move of the Spirit of God ushered into your life, to break the strongholds of fear, the intimidation and the chains you have carried and battled with for so long, once and for all.

Lana Vawser

Monday, January 28, 2019

Joey & Rory In The Time That You Gave Me

I just watched To Joey, with Love.  It ended with this song.  How beautiful!  And how meaningful!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Rick Joyner's "Word for the Week" Part 4 on the Second American Revolutionary/Civil War

     This excerpt from Rick Joyner's "Word for the Week" Part 4 on the Second American Revolutionary/Civil War is a word of admonition, truth and encouragment of which I want to constantly remind myself.

"...It does not matter how mature we are in Christ or how successful we have been as a steward of His mysteries—it is a terrible presumption to think that He is just like us and that His opinions are the same as ours. I am a religious conservative, and I try to keep in mind that it was the religious conservatives that were the worst enemies of Christ when He walked the earth. Why?

If you look at their doctrine, the Pharisees were generally correct in most of their beliefs. They were the most devoted to being faithful to the Scriptures and were carrying the greatest hope for the Messiah. Yet, they resisted Him more than any other group when He came! Why?  

Again, we can be right in our politics, our policies, and our beliefs, but have pride that is more deadly than the evil we are fighting. Pride caused the first fall and virtually every fall since. We can be right but not be righteous. For winning the present war, it is crucial to not just fight for what is right, but to do it in the right spirit. We must fight for right and we must do it right."

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

A New Year Suggestion from E. W. Kenyon's website

From the Kenyon website:
A New Year Suggestion
This New Year
Let us stop —
Saying biting, cutting things. Doing spiteful, mean things. Looking at wicked, bitter things.
Let us cease —
Being weak and hurtful. Being peevish and hateful. Being selfish and spiteful.
Let us aim —
Not to waste time we do not own. Not to rob God of His money. Not to spoil another’s time.
Love is masterful.
Love does things.
Love does not stop and count 
the cost.
Love is honest.
Love is a hater of dissembling. Love inspires confidence.
Love is big.
Love does not say biting things. Love would rather be hurt than 
to hurt.
Love is not a recorder of other’s faults.
Love may know our faults but never speaks them.
Love feels our faults, but does not count them.
Love carries our faults, but never peddles them.
Love is easily hurt, but never retaliates.
Love is God’s inventive genius placed in man.
Man is at his best as a Lover; it is his realm;
God made him to Love

Monday, January 21, 2019

Phil. 4:4-8 TPT

   Philippians 4:4-8 is one of my favorite passages of scripture.  Can you imagine how well our lives would go if we would take this to heart?  I particularly like how The Passion Translation says it:

Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let joy overflow, for you are united with the Anointed OneLet gentleness[f] be seen in every relationship, for our Lord is ever near.
Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ.So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. 

Saturday, January 19, 2019

E. W. Kenyon, In His Presence

     Somehow I misplaced my E. W. Kenyon book, In His Presence, over the holidays.  As we traveled to Nebraska I read much of it aloud to Country Guy.  When we got home I looked everywhere for it until I finally gave up and ordered another one.  I have begun re-reading it because it contains such wonderful wisdom and revelation!

Here is a very convicting excerpt found on p. 13:
     The greatest duty you will ever perform for your family will be the prayer duty.
     It may be that it is no longer a privilege.
     You have thrown the privilege away.
     You have ignored it.
     It has no become a stern duty.
     You must go back to your prayer closet and begin anew your fellowship with Him.
     Do it for the sake of your family, the boys and girls; for the sake of your home and church; and God will honor you.
      Children are growing up in Christian homes without the restraining power of God over their lives.
     The reason is apparent!  Mothers and fathers have failed in their responsibilities in the prayer life.
      I call on you, men and women, who yourselves are to blame for the crime and lawlessness of the youth of this generation, to go and ask His forgiveness, and to take up your responsibilities, NOW!

     Considering this book was written before Mr. Kenyon died in 1948 it is amazing how prescient it is!  Can you imagine what he would have to say about our lack of prayerlessness today if he could see our youth--and their parents now?

After I posted this I discovered you can listen to this book on YouTube.  Click here for Chapter 1.

Friday, January 18, 2019

"2019: A Year of Extreme Revelation" Johnny Enlow

Those of you who regularly read this blog know I am a fan of Johnny Enlow.  I am always inspired, encouraged, convicted and challenged by God through his words.  This one posted on The Elijah List is no exception.

We have entered into perhaps the most revelatory year since the birth of Jesus and because of it, none of us will ever be the same. A day of so much disclosure is now upon us and by this time next year, we will be amazed at how different our world actually is from what we thought. The light we presently see by today, we will consider as relative darkness compared to where we will have advanced to by 2020. It will be an exceptional and even shocking revelation. 
Let's look at two definitions for the word "revelation" for some parameters on what I am talking about. Revelation:
1) A surprising and previously unknown fact, especially one that is made way in a dramatic way.
2) The divine or supernatural disclosure to humans.
The 5770-5779 Window is Completed
For those who follow the Hebraic Calendar, you know that the present 5779 year is closing out a most important decade. In the number 70 there is the Hebrew letter Ayin associated with it and it carries the picture symbol for the eye. For the 2010-2019 decade the primary focus has been on SEEING. I have covered that fact in virtually every year of this 5770-5779 decade. Battles are won and lost at the point of SEEING. As we remember ancient Israel, the difference in a "Caleb" and "10 spies" is that "Calebs" are anointed seers and "10 spies" are unanointed seers.
"Revelation and the glory that accompanies revelation are increasingly going to be the fruit of 2019."
The Body of Christ is in the process of shifting from following unanointed seers who keep the people locked in a wilderness-survival mentality, to following seers who lead them into the "Promised Land" of cities and nations. It is the Church's great battle of the day, and a "fake news" narrative is being exposed and progressively abandoned. Unanointed seers unduly highlight the enemy, miss the moment of visitation, and keep the people "wilderness bound" under a premature rapture mindset.
Anointed seers see the enemy but highlight the greatness of God and His promise of inheriting the nations, as we are "salt" and "light" in the 7 mountains of society. Unanointed seers tell us, "We're getting out of here," while anointed seers declare the Kingdom coming "on Earth as it is in Heaven." We are disconnecting the fake narrative IVs and returning to Jesus' original message of inheriting the earth (Matthew 5:5). God builds a plan of destiny around the anointed seers even while they are the profound minority, as in Caleb and Joshua's case where His plan was built around the two who could see.
Now about the 9 in 5779 and in 2019. The number nine in the Hebrew has the letter Tet in it, which is the picture/symbol of either a snake or a womb. They are both highlighted this year. The snake in the grass will be discovered by those with Caleb's eagle eyes, and the tearing up of that snake will allow for birthing and fruitfulness. The snake in the grass will be exposed this year and you will either capitulate to it or destroy the lies and fear associated with it and arise and shine to your destiny.
The key is to see the snake from an eagle's perspective and not from a chicken's perspective. A snake is food for an eagle while a chicken will freak out and run from a snake. The window of properly SEEING gets completed this year and what becomes visible in 2019 will exceed the totality of the previous nine years of seeing. It will be almost like we didn't see anything in the last decade. 
Rosh Hashanah of this year we will enter the 5780s and that represents a whole new beginning based on proper seeing. A year from now we will begin the year 2020 and the numerology will not be coincidental. 20/20 vision is coming and that is where divine objectivity rules. God is seen and magnified. The enemy is also seen, but he is not magnified and so he becomes "bread" for us (Numbers 14:9).
Revelation in Government: Trump Will Get Louder
"And when the blast of the TRUMP sounded long and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him, by voice." (Exodus 19:19 emphasis mine)
One of the areas of profound blindness right now for many Christians is understanding the role of President Donald Trump. As 45th president of the United States he carries an Isaiah 45 "Cyrus anointing" to break down the "double, bronze and iron gates of Babylon" (Isaiah 45:1-2). This is an assignment to dislodge and eliminate embedded and syndicated evil in government. The tentacles are at the tops of all the 7 mountains of society (media, economy, education, family, arts/entertainment, religion and government) and the tops of all the mountains are going to have their evil "gatekeepers" removed.
It is a historic moment for the Kingdom of God. Because of it, in 2019 Trump is not going to tone down and weaken his approach. He is going to become stronger and his voice will become louder and louder. He is not going to fail in his assignment and it will be a testament not to his greatness, but to the greatness of God.
Despite Trump's billions, his friends and his influence, he is far too limited to take on what he has been called to take on. It is God's anointing on him for the assignment that covers and emboldens him. Our nation will be known as "before Trump" and "after Trump." The Lord also clearly spoke to me that the whole world will be known as "before Trump" and "after Trump." I am neither a Trump fan, nor a Republican fan, nor even a Conservative fan. I am a God fan. Trump is God's idea, and though God is patient, the sooner you recognize that truth the sooner it will be evidence of your seeing being anointed. Once you begin to discover the level of evil against him, you will no longer ask the irrelevant question of, "How could God pick such an imperfect man?" What he lacks in holiness he makes up for in courage, and ultimately his courage is going to lead him into holiness.
When God is taking people into new territory He looks first for courage.His demand of Joshua in Joshua 1:7 was, "Only be strong and very courageous," and He said that over and over. Once you see the "deep state" of the 7 mountains and of the nations you realize it takes GREAT courage. Working on holiness comes later, but when you are facing enemies bigger than yourself it is courage that sustains you. Before Trump is done he will have leveled and replaced most of our ruling institutions and will have been a part of discovering a previously unknown history of the world of the last century. It will be a great reveal and a most significant part of this year of extreme revelation.
Can Trump Fail in His Assignment?
Can Trump fail in his assignment? This is a concern and a question that many Trump supporters have, and more especially so as they begin to see the extreme dangers that he is up against. Well, I suppose humans can always disappoint and can always fail. I suppose we could be too slack in our prayer cover for him. I suppose his age and the size of the task before him could overwhelm him. However, the greatness of our God is that it is His trademark that He loves to execute His great plans with fragile or imperfect people. He loves to confound the wise of this world by using His "foolishness" (1 Corinthians 1:27). Except for in the case of Jesus; He NEVER used overwhelming strength or perfection to accomplish His better storylines.
Gideon, the least in his house and tribe, led Israel to victory over the Midianites. Moses, the octogenarian with a speech impediment, led Israel out of Egypt. David, the shepherd boy, took out the scary giant, Goliath, with a small stone. Mary, the teenage girl, births THE Son of God. Even with Jesus, He never used His overwhelming strength but laid down all His divinity. He then chose the local redneck fishermen to be His twelve apostles upon which everything thereafter would be built. (Photo via Wikipedia)
So can Trump fail? Yes, but I don't think so. This has all the makings of a great God-story. Keeping Trump alive and healthy is a much easier task for God than it was to keep Jesus alive in His day when not only was the "deep state" out to prematurely kill Him, but every demon in Hell desired His "scalp." Until He was age thirty-three and until it was THE day of passover, Jesus could not be killed. Yes, Trump could fail, but God will not. Were he somehow able to be taken out early it would only make way for a more amazing story of God's greatness. His NEXT always outdoes even His original. He is the "bigger-than" God with the "greater-than" plan. That's just who He is. It is not over until Psalms 37:9 is in effect: "For evildoers shall be cut off; but those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth." You can take Psalm 37:1-2 as a prophetic word for NOW:
"Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb."
"Workers of iniquity" are the present target for the zeal and justice of the Lord. His first offer is always mercy, but justice has to come because justice is the evidence to the abused that God has mercy on them. Those who have been sex-trafficked, enslaved, and otherwise abused are about to be the beneficiaries of the justice of God. There is no freedom for the enslaved without justice. President Donald Trump is an emissary of the justice of God, and I believe God is quite pleased with how well he has done since being elected president. His courage is seen as heroic in Heaven because they see what he is up against. This year enough of that gets revealed to the Body of Christ so that we stop the finger pointing. President Trump was not called to be your pastor so let's quit putting that standard on him.
Revelation in Church: Exposures and Prophetic Upgrades
"So he departed from there, and found Elisha the son of Shaphat, who was plowing...Then Elijah passed by him and threw his mantle on him." (1 Kings 19:19)
This is the passage where Elijah anoints Elisha and he receives the double portion of what was on Elijah. Elisha, with that upgrade, is the catalyst for Jezebel being easily dealt with. Jezebel was someone Elijah was not able to deal with. Elisha, through Jehu, overthrew Jezebel in a very public and demonstrable way. President Trump also has a Jehu anointing. Jezebel at a macro level is being dealt with this year, and it is not coincidental that it is 1 Kings 19:19 that tells of the release of the double portion. The new extreme revelation is going to place and displace "Kings" (government rulers). Both the name of the book and the double on the 19s are significant.
"The snake in the grass will be exposed this year and you will either capitulate to it or destroy the lies and fear associated with it and arise and shine to your destiny."
The Church will experience two different versions of this extreme revelation. First of all, there will be shocking disclosures of evil and corruption, and even networks of deep darkness. The Church has its own version of the "deep state" and it is going to be exposed as well. Some significant exposures took place in 2018, but there is a whole other level in both the Catholic church as well as the Evangelical/Charismatic/Pentecostal church. Many churches and church networks operate by a similar creed to how Hollywood and high government positions run. In these places, the "gatekeepers" at the places of influence require some behavior that is able to be blackmailed so that their loyalty and silence is bought forever. Blackmail is the currency of the tops of the mountains and it is going to be exposed in the mountain of religion as well. In church circles it is often mixed and mingled with religious speech so that it doesn't look like blackmail, but it is blackmail.
I remember decades ago being a part of a church whose lead bishop would often say that he didn't trust anyone "who didn't have a limp" and connected it to the Jacob in the Bible. What was revealed was that this bishop had seduced at least ten women in the church, and it also included pedophilia. The "not trusting anyone without a limp" showed up in that no significant associate pastor or leader was advanced who they didn't have some dirt on. Not surprisingly, he had great loyalty from these pastors and leaders, even when the full truth came out, because they were "blackmail-able." There is way more of this going on than seems possible—be prepared for shocks regarding that in 2019. In mega churches this is actually more the norm than the exception, but you won't have to take my word for it. A year of extreme revelation is upon us.
Prophetic Upgrades
This is the other side of the coin of advanced revelation, but sometimes they will go hand-in-hand, as the prophetic upgrades will cause a new level of holiness. I remember some time ago in Peru where a pastor's wife was taken by the Holy Spirit and for weeks was in and out of a trance and could speak only in tongues. It was quite inconvenient. When she finally could communicate she was in an open Heaven realm seeing everything, including the sins of their key leaders and members—including when and where. It was amazing how the church cleaned itself up. The pastor himself told me it was tough for him because it was like "sleeping with the Holy Spirit" and he had no choice but to get totally clean himself. It is amazing what being under an increased light does to us.
Seeing is going to another level. This is something we desperately need as our prophetic level is relatively pathetic at this time, even often underperforming to psychics and "new age" energy feelers. One reason for this is that the enemy has stolen the prophetic from much of the Church through demonic doctrines that say the age for this has passed. This is truly a "deep state" doctrine that has stripped the Church from perhaps its most vital tool for spreading the love and power of God. As Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:5"I wish you all would prophesy" (emphasis mine), and a prophesying Church will always be more fruitful. We have other reasons for our low level of prophetic revelation, such as lack of prophetic accountability and also conversely a lack of a nurturing environment for the prophetic. The ones zealous for accountability would kill the prophetic if left to their devices, and the ones only nurturing the prophetic tend to keep it about quantity above quality. We need both.
Another suppressor of the next level in the prophetic is when the exercise is disconnected from our reformation (outside the Church) assignment. The prophetic was made to thrive in the seven mountains of society. My prophetic level has always been less in and to the Church, and increased when outside the Church. Having said that, I am first in line desiring the promised prophetic upgrades. I want to be positively shocked at how much I am seeing and how much transformational change it engenders. I look forward to stepping into clarity where we not only prophesy sometimes-fuzzy outcomes like "double portion," "breakthrough," "shift," "prosperity," "a door," "a window"—but we also can flesh out what that actually looks like. The upgrade is coming this year because it is tied into knowing some macro things we never knew before; some things we haven't been able to see because we have had the wrong facts and operated to a wrong narrative based on the presumed facts. You will know more about what I am talking about as the year progresses.
Perhaps the greatest key in getting a prophetic upgrade is staying out of pride. There have been so many who have become "head cases" when they finally saw something truly revelatory that they ceased getting more secrets from God, as God resists the proud. Hopefully there are so many with the next level of revelation that this is no longer a reality. Either way, I will tell you that the children born in this decade of seeing (Generation Z) are going to be true game-changer seers and prophets and will require us to upgrade if nothing else does. Status quo revelation has not been getting it done and the next level is coming along with the next level of glory.
Watch the Sixty-Seven Mile Wide Path of Totality
Back in August 21, 2017 we had a most unusual phenomenon of a total solar eclipse from sea to shining sea of the United States. There was a sixty-seven mile wide path where the eclipse phenomenon could be viewed in its entirety. It started on the coast of Oregon with the cities of Salem and Albany, Oregon being the first significant state in the path, and finished out at Charleston, South Carolina. A total of seven cities named Salem were in this path. I spoke back in 2017 that the sixty-seven mile wide pathway all across the USA represented a path of prophetic open heavens. I believe that only now are we truly entering into the spiritual fulfillment of what was a natural phenomenon. This band across the nation includes cities such as Albany (home of The Elijah List), Omaha, Kansas City, and Nashville which are cities where significant prophetic ministries have arisen, and are regular voices to the nation and nations. I believe the entire sixty-seven mile wide band to represent a pathway of heightened prophetic revelation. (Photo via Unsplash)
Psalm 67 starts with this verse, "God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on the earth; Your salvation among all nations."
This prophetic upgrade is ultimately His face shining on us so that we may make His ways known on the earth and His salvation among ALL nations. Revelation and the glory that accompanies revelation are increasingly going to be the fruit of 2019. Exodus 19:19 was about the glory descending on Israel in Moses' day. 1 Kings 19:19 was about the double portion prophetic mantle from Elijah being released to Elisha. God was able to encode timing factors for us about the new level of glory and revelation. We are in yet another game-changer year, but I think it is perhaps the greatest one in centuries and especially so for revelation and disclosure. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth


Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Gay Divide Is Taking Out Churches; Is Yours Next? by Shane Idleman

     Since this excellent article written by Shane Idleman and published on the Charisma News website  illustrates and confirms what I, in my inept way, was trying to say in yesterday's blog, I thought I would draw your attention to it.  It is a great rebuttal to those who consider speaking the truth as judging.  I'm posting part of the article here.  Be sure to click on the link which will take you to the website to read the rest of it.

The Gay Divide Is Taking Out Churches; Is Yours Next?    Shane Idleman
In light of Justin Hoke being removed as pastor of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church for posting the following: "Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still sin. The culture may change; the Bible does not," I thought it was appropriate and timely to re-release this article:
With pastors stepping down, best-selling Christian authors remaining silent and popular worship leaders showing support for gay marriage, many are left baffled and confused. These points may help us better understand the great divide:
1. The definition of love is misunderstood. To truly "love" others, we must first love God and His truth; that's the foundation (see Matt. 22:36-40). Does loving someone mean we approve of their lifestyle? Or does it mean we love them enough to share the truth? If a person is more worried about being liked than being truthful, do they really love those caught in sin more than those who are willing to speak the truth in love? The answer is obvious: Authentic Christians love the truth and others to the degree that they are willing to risk the consequences of confrontation in order to help others. This is genuine love, not hatred. The greatest gift parents can give to their children is love and truth rather than reinforcing a destructive lifestyle.
How can one person review Bible verses dealing with this topic and come to the conclusion that gay marriage is biblical while others come to the opposite conclusion? It's very simple: The first group looks through the lens of opinion; the second group through the lens of genuine love and absolute truth. Listen to my one- hour interview on Fox News that will better illustrate the differences:
Dr. Michael Brown recently remarked, "One reason people support gay marriage is because their gay friends are really nice and some seem to be committed Christians. They say their spiritual lives came alive when they realized they could be gay and Christian at the same time."
I believe that they came alive because someone validated their lifestyle. This is no different than people who say they feel alive and renewed even though they are caught in adultery. Sin feels good for a season—that's the deception. But these seasons of sexual fulfillment are often short-lived—"Be not deceived: God it not mocked. For whatever a man sows, that will he also reap" (Gal. 6:7). True freedom comes from true repentance.
2. Is the Bible clear or vague? Recent polls show that less than 50 percent of believers even read their Bible, let alone practice it. And, as we know, to read truth without practicing it leads to deception. No wonder there's confusion. Additionally, many of the proponents are embracing the views of liberal authors. They value the words of Matthew Vines more than the Gospel of Matthew.
When Christians believe God has given them the authority to change truth in order to keep it relevant, they are departing from God.  (continue reading)

A Word to the Wise from George Washington

"A good moral character is the first essential in a man, and that the habits contracted at your age are generally indelible, and your conduct here may stamp your character through life. It is therefore highly important that you should endeavor not only to be learned but virtuous." —George Washington (1790)

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

What are the 9 things you can't talk about freely in America?

      Read this article!  9 Things You Can't Talk About Freely in America.   How ridiculous, but true!  How have we allowed the liberal press to silence our opinions?  Where are the churches who need to be shouting from the housetops the truth on many of these subjects?  What does God say?  That's what we need to be talking about. There are so many youth (adults?) who have no idea what is right and wrong, but only what feels good or sounds right to them because noone will speak truth to them.  It is time to wake up and stand up.  I will not be silenced!
      Homosexuality is a sin. God created male & female so any attempt to create another gender is also a sin.  No amount of screaming racist, homophobe, etc. will change that.  So is lying, judging, gluttony, I understand.  I was told by my granddaughter that saying her gay friend is sinning is judging.  I say, "No it isn't," because I am not condemning him I'm only stating what God says. The truth is, I would like to help him but that isn't possible until he recognizes God didn't create him that way and that his "lifestyle" is contrary to God's creation.
     Which brings me to evolution.  Any intelligent person who really wants to know can see that we did not evolve.  How can an amoeba decide to join with other cells to create a being?  If it were possible, why are not more creatures being created every day?
      Abortion is murder.
      Man made climate change is ridiculous!  God is the creator of climate change.  Man's puny efforts can only affect a very small percentage of the carbon dioxide in the air. We think much more highly of ourselves than we ought!
      We are being brain-washed!  It is time we said ENOUGH and begin to fight back.  I am making it my goal to speak up in every situation in which I find myself where God's truth is not being spoken .  If we don't, it won't be long before the "thought police" will take away all freedom to speak.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Matthew 13:52 TPT

      As I was reading Day 14 in the chronological reading plan for the New Testament TPT, my attention was drawn to v. 52 of Matthew 13.  “Every scholar of the Scriptures, who is instructed in the ways of heaven’s kingdom realm, is like a wealthy home owner with his house filled with treasures both new and old.  And he knows how and when to bring them out to show others.”
      "And he knows how and when to bring them out to show others" is the phrase that particularly caught my attention.  Just as a homeowner only shows his treasures to those he knows will appreciate them and be glad that he has them, how much more should we be sharing the treasures we find in the scriptures with those who will recognize and appreciate them!  How many times have I "hit people over the head" with scriptures that I think apply to their lives or situations and had them totally rejected?  Have you ever done that?  Could it be because we have not known how and when to bring them out?  Is it not time?  Are they not ready to receive them?  Are we attempting to solve problems for them when they need to search the answers out for themselves?  Maybe they have not come to desperation yet?  Or are they mad at God for letting them go through this situation?  Have they asked our advice?
       Sometimes, just as a homeowner discovers, there are those who are jealous, hard hearted, not able to share in your enthusiasm and good fortune.  How important it is to seek the Lord so that we too can do only what we see the Father doing!  Good intentions can sometimes do more damage than doing nothing.  
      It is important to study the word so that we know the scriptures but then it is just as important to be alert to know how and when to bring them out to show others.

Friday, January 11, 2019


     My supply of cookbooks is running low, so Country Guy and I were discussing last night that it might be time to reprint them.  I love giving them to friends and to others who stay with us, and I also try to remember to take a couple with me when we go on trips to give to my bus buddy and/or the tour guide.  The tour guides, who are usually from the country we are visiting, seem excited to receive a personal gift related to our country of origin. I also love having them to give as wedding gifts, "thank you" gifts, and for those young people just starting out on their own.  That's why I'm reprinting them!
    I have had several tell me that the "How to.." section which I put in at the request of our daughter and the extra "Cooking & Nutritional Tips" which include substitutions and measurements are worth the price of the book even if it didn't also include all my favorite recipes.
     The company that published the two previous editions was bought out by another company this past month so thankfully when I called I was directed to the new company.  Fortunately, they still have all the recipes on file.  Whew!  I would rather not type them again.  I plan to add the extra recipes I have posted on this blog to the originals before publishing the next edition.
     I know some of you refer to recipes here because you have told me you do, so I thought I would let you who might be interested know I am considering publishing them again.  Of course, I'm making them available to you at my cost, plus shipping, which looks to be no more than $10 total and could be a couple of dollars less depending on the number ordered. The more I order, the cheaper they will be. I will also need to check with the post office on the cost of shipping.  If you live nearby and can pick them up, I'm thinking they may only cost $5-$6 each.
     So if you are interested in ordering one or more please send me an email:

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

How to Talk to a Reluctant Teen by Joe White and Lissa Halls Johnson

     I came across this wise advice yesterday while looking for ways to improve communication.  I am posting it here so I can find it easily and refer back to it as often as I need to.  The entire article can be read at the Focus on the Family website along with other articles in a series of dealing with Teens.  Even though it is specifically geared to relating to Teens I can see it is also applicable to my life and my communication style.
     I would be grateful if you are so inclined to pray for me to implement these suggestions as I relate to friends and to my family, in particular.

Tools for Dealing With Conflict
Confrontations happen in practically every home, but they're guaranteed when you and your teen aren't close. How can you communicate in a way that helps you reconnect?
Here are a dozen tips for talking your way through conflict:

1. Start strong. Psychologists say the first three minutes of a conversation generally dictate how the rest of it will go. Begin a confrontation with a soft voice and respect for your teen, and it's likely that the confrontation will be more productive and less destructive. As one teen testifies, "My mom and I had effective communication because I was treated as an equal. Not in terms of who was in charge (that was clear) but in that I had a voice.”

2. Let your teen speak first. Young people we surveyed said that if they have a chance to talk first, they're more receptive to what their parents say. Once teens get to speak their minds, they're usu­ally willing to listen to the other side.

3. Don't interrupt. It's tempting to dive in and react to a piece of what your teen just said, but one girl described how that looks from her point of view: "My parents interrupt me and lecture/yell. Then while they're talking and I want to get a word in, I'm yelled at for interrupting. It's really unfair." If either of you tends to talk nonstop, set a timer for two or three minutes and take turns.

4. Watch your tone of voice and body language. Model what you want your teen to do. When parents yell or use sarcasm or point fingers, kids figure it's okay for them to do the same. They also put on their protective gear and get into "fight" position. If you turn angry, use a quieter, calmer voice. If nothing else, your teen will have to listen harder to hear you.

5. Explain what you want and why. Some teens say they just don't understand what their parents are asking them to do. Have your teen restate what you've told him. Explain the reasons for your request or rule. For example: "I understand you'd like to be with your friends at the concert. But you've been out late every night this week and you can hardly get out of bed in the morning. That's not good for you, or for your schoolwork. Maybe next time.”

6. Fight fair. No name-calling. Stick to the issue at hand. Don't dredge up past failures. Avoid the words "always" and "never," and don't compare your teen with anyone — living or dead, related or unrelated.

7. Don't beat your teen over the head with Bible verses or biblical concepts. Sure, it's crucial to pass principles from God's Word on to your child. But most arguments don't qualify as "teachable moments." Your teen won't be too receptive if you declare, "I don't care if it makes you look like a nerd! You'll wear that orange sweater to school because the Bible says to obey your parents. Besides, vanity is a sin!”

8. Give weight to your teen's feelings and opinions. You may think it's just "realistic" to tell your teen, "So, the girls said mean things about you. Forget it. You have to get used to people doing that." Instead of feeling like you've just prepared her for the real world, though, your teen will feel dismissed and misunderstood.

9. Don't try to control your teen's side of the confrontation. It doesn't work! Let's say your teen is "sassing" you. You could retort, "You will not talk to me like that!" Not a good move, since a state­ment like this challenges him to prove he, not you, controls his tongue. Instead you could say, "I'll be happy to listen to you when you speak to me more respectfully." Now you're saying what you will do — something you can control.

10. Keep the issues in perspective. How important is this fight, anyway? Is it possible to work toward a win-win solution, or at least one everybody can live with? Are you choosing your battles wisely? Stand up for the values that are most important to you and to your teen's welfare — but consider flexibility on lesser matters.

11. Take a break when necessary. If you or your teen are getting too wound up, take a time out. It doesn't hurt to put a conflict on the back burner until people calm down.

12. When talking fails, write a letter. Writing gives you time to sort through your thoughts and express yourself carefully. It gives your teen time to respond instead of reacting defensively. A notebook passed back and forth can work, too; so does e-mail. That's what a mom and dad discovered when their 13-year-old son wanted to see an R-rated movie; they kept telling him no, and he kept arguing. Finally Mom wrote him an e-mail, explaining their reasons. The boy never asked about it again, and seemed warmer toward his parents than he'd been in quite a while.

Want to close the gap between you and your teen? Communicating is the key to every relationship, even yours. It's never too late to start communicating with your teen.