A few of us have spent the last two days working on the Linn Park Gardens. Not only did we need to weed, prune & mulch the existing gardens but we needed to design, plant & mulch the area around "the world's largest cast anvil." It has been fun but lots of work! We could never have finsihed if it hadn't been for our grandson, his college roommate and a high schooler who helped with the heavy work such as placing stepping stones, moving the mulch and carrying buckets of water. We also had some help from Country Guy and his tiller and skid loader which he used to move the large rocks we purchased and smooth some of the ground.
We are delighted with the end result! And we finished just in time for the Heritage Days Festival!
Adding the finishing touches. Grass will be planted and strawed this week in the areas outside the garden. |
The engraved path garden that was planted last year. |
These gardens were begun the year before with daylilies given us by the 5 Acre Daylily Farm. Roses and other plants were added last year. The daylilies got so big this year that I dug up several and divided them to add to the Anvil garden. |