Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Thoughts on Healing

      I am becoming more and more convinced that healing must take place in all areas of our lives for it to be complete and lasting.  Not only is it important to eat foods that give our body something with which to repair itself, but we must also give our subconscious mind the tools to bring it to health.  If we want to live a healed and healthy life, it is imperative we look at generational sin.  We must also allow the Lord to bring to the surface those things that have been hidden in our heart--possibly even from birth.  It is only when we recognize and renounce the unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, shame, guilt, etc. we are holding towards others and realize Jesus already paid the price for us to be free of those things that we will be able to live a life of health and wholeness.  Often we have no sense we are harboring thoughts contrary to the will of God until we spend time in prayer asking Him to reveal them.  But He only reveals them so that we can be free--not to condemn us.  In addition to the aforementioned, rejection and self-rejection are two more of the most important reasons we aren't healthy.  It is so important that we understand how God sees us--totally forgiven, totally loved, totally unique--and that we realize in rejecting ourselves or others that we are rejecting a person who God says is beautiful and loves unconditionally.
      Another area of our lives that may need healing is if we have suffered trauma--especially as a child.  This can only be healed by Jesus so we may need to invite Him to walk back through our lives to heal those events.
      I believe many more physical healings will take place when we realize God doesn't just want us to be healthy physically but in every area.  When we pray, we need to check all hindrances to our prayers-- body, soul, spirit, and the demonic.
      As I said, the more I learn, the more excited I become about the potential for healing and the more my faith grows when I see people set free.  I invite you to look further into this.  You will be amazed at the testimonies of healing that take place when these areas are covered before physical healing is prayed for.
      What a wonderful God we serve!  He desires that "we prosper and be in health, even as our souls prosper."  Why has it taken so long for me to know about this?  Why are not more churches teaching this?  Why are we not stepping out in faith believing it?  Didn't Jesus say, "greater things than these shall you do...?  Didn't He commission us to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead?  When are we going to start?
      I, for one, choose to walk in this new (for me) revelation.  I intend to experiment in prayer to see people healed and delivered so they can be all God created them to be.  How about you?

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