Wednesday, August 21, 2019

You Can't Fix Other People, But You Can Fix Yourself

Watching this should be mandatory in schools today!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great. I was laughing at how mad that lady was. It's like we did when we were little "she took my toy!" LOL
My mom was so wise when she said to me,"You can't change other people but you can change how YOU respond to them." I didn't exactly know how to do that for a while. I am finally getting it. It's like Jesus said to turn away from people who harm you. Don't retaliate. Because the truth is, there is much more PEACE in that any day than getting angry or trying to change the other person. I've learned I am not responsible for other people. I've prayed against "false responsibility" that people try to put on me. I can only change ME. Thank you for sharing this!