Friday, February 13, 2015

Tony Perkins

FRC president Tony Perkins: "[Obama] didn't mention his stop in Saudi Arabia on the way back to this country, and the fact that they rank by his own State Department as one of the worst abusers of religious freedom in the world. Did he publicly lecture the Saudis for their current climate of oppression? Did he try attending a Christian church during his stop there? I'm sure he didn't because there are no Christian churches in Saudi Arabia. They're illegal. Mr. President, the next time one of your family members becomes ill, try finding a local Muslim hospital. Or the next time your motorcade speeds through a town whose economy has been shuttered by your big government economic policies, try referring people to the local Islamic homeless shelter. In your next speech about families, maybe you could challenge Americans to consider adoption through the local Muslim adoption agency. The reality is, Christianity isn't just the largest religion in America, it's also the most charitable. And disheartening as this may be to your worldview, Mr. President, America was in fact founded on Christian truths and principles -- and it's that heritage that makes America an exceptional nation."

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