"Daniel, Joseph, and Mike Pence! The Power of the Second!"
I heard the Lord say, "Mike Pence will be My Daniel and Joseph in America, for there is power in My second-in-command!"
Donald Trump's landmark victory as the soon-to-be 45th President of the United States shakes the political paradigm as we know it, turning the world on its ear. Lance Wallnau, a refreshing Dallas-based prophetic voice in the business world and the Church, has been prophesying about Donald Trump for over a year in videos and posts all over social media.
God's Chaos Candidate
In a Charisma News article dated October 5, entitled "Why I Believe Donald Trump is the Prophesied President," Lance Wallnau said this: "I heard the Lord say: 'Donald Trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness.'"
Wallnau is not alone in his belief; well-known prophets including Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce, Kim Clement, Rick
Joyner, and Elijah List founder Steve Shultz, as well as many other prophetic voices around the world, felt it was a turning point in history for which Donald Trump was the chosen vessel God would use to change the direction of our nation. (Photo via Wikipedia)

Now here we stand to make no bones about it; Donald Trump is president-elect and will take office on January 20. Until then, our divided country will try to heal and find its way to become one as a nation, amid ongoing protests and rioting. It will take a mighty move of God to bring us together—just one more thing they say can't be done.
Prayer and Prophecy Over the Soon-To-Be President
I found it memorable that Donald Trump was willing to allow Spirit-filled men and women of God to lay hands on him to pray and prophesy. To my knowledge, there were no other presidential candidates, including professing Christians, who would have accepted an invitation to join them for that purpose. President-elect Trump (even if he was unfamiliar to them) was open to the gifts of the Spirit, willing to surround himself with Christian leaders and take a bold stand on key issues that won him favor with God and man.
That brings me to the crux of this article. Behind every great leader, even those with flaws, is a strong support system, a team of key leaders that offers sound wisdom and can clearly hear from God. Working in harmony with the Spirit of God, such leadership is bound to succeed.
A very important part of Trump's success story is the man he chose as his running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, who has boldly but humbly introduced himself as "A Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order." Pence is well-respected in Christian circles for his bold stand for conservative Christian values. In fact, in July, he was in the midst of his own gubernatorial re-election campaign when he dropped out to run alongside Donald Trump. A bold but divine leading indeed!
Daniel's Righteousness and God's Faithfulness
Now let's briefly turn our attention back to Babylon and Daniel the prophet. The account of Daniel the prophet in the Bible opens as he and other younger men of Judah were taken prisoner by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon in approximately 604 B.C. This captivity of the locals of Judah in Babylon lasted for 70 years, as God had predicted through Jeremiah the prophet.
A faithful man of God, Daniel, demonstrated his faith by visibly praying to God even though he knew it could cost him his life. "Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed [that no one could petition any god or man except the king for 30 days], he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days" (Daniel 6:10).
Daniel's testimony landed him in a lion's den, where his enemies were sure he would be quickly overcome and devoured. But God sent the angel of the Lord that, "Shut the lions' mouths" (Daniel 6:22), and Daniel was miraculously saved!
As a result of his bold stand, Daniel was chosen. He was given honor by the king to serve in prominent positions not only under Nebuchadnezzar, but also under Kings Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus. Because of Daniel's knowledge, skill and godly wisdom he found favor in the eyes of God and men.
"Then the king promoted Daniel and gave him many great gifts; and he made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon, and chief administrator over all the wise men of Babylon." (Daniel 2:48)
And if we believe that, as Scripture says, God never changes, He will still honor integrity, obedience, and faithfulness, in our generation as well. Our loving obedience to Him will also result in favor and blessings.
Men Found Faithful Through Trial and Tribulation

By studying the stories of both of these great men, we discover that they were men of great integrity. Both were tried and tested by trials that could have left them bitter and wayward. Instead, they drew near to God in the hard times, remaining faithful and steadfast, and ultimately earning a place as the second-in-command, subject only to the king himself. So while we may tend to think that second place means less than God's best, often it's exactly where God wants His people, there in that very special place, using their God-given anointing to influence the man at the top.
Leaders in the Babylonians System Need Righteous Advisors
Vice President-elect Mike Pence is now in that favored second position. When I heard him share the story of his salvation experience, I saw clear evidence of a sweet and humble spirit, strong and willing to serve—a man anointed for such a time as this. Perhaps one of the secrets of Trump's success will be his faithful second-in-command, working behind the scenes to change the world.
Second place tends to be far less visible than first place, but the man in charge needs his second to help him stay on track. In fact, that role has not changed since the days of Daniel and Joseph. Even now that impact is deeply felt, even from the shadows. On a daily basis there are right-hand men, influencing the decision makers, keepers of the deepest secrets, allies in battles of ethics while facing less than ethical men attempting underhanded things. It's the job of the second to seek peace, mediate, and offer wisdom and encouragement to maintain the course throughout the many challenges that lie ahead.
Mike Pence is God's second for President Trump. Already I've heard they are in sync, praying together for God's leading on a daily basis. How can we not get excited knowing that the two at the top are seeking God's wisdom to turn things around? It then becomes our responsibility to pray a covering over them, for protection and wisdom to surround them, giving them favor with God and men as they move into the amazing days ahead; leading us to a greater America and preparing us to bring in the last massive harvest of souls before the long-awaited coming of our King—Jesus! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
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