Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Tangible Kingdom by Hugh Halter

     I'm reading Hugh Halter's book, The Tangible Kingdom, now.  In it he is helping me to see how different the meaning of church and the effectiveness of the gospel  evolved from the original New Testament experience.  One of his major points is that the method of developing programs, Bible studies, classes, etc. which the majority of churches have used to evangelize the world will no longer work in society today.  His premise is that because of the mindset of the post modern generation the church is going to have to take the gospel to them by living it before them.  This is community life--not an individual life--but a group of people loving one another, caring for one another, sacrificing for one another, putting others needs above their own and including all who want to be part of the community.
      If you are one of those who knows there is much more to life than you have been experiencing but can't figure out what that might look like, I highly recommend The Tangible Kingdom.
     Here is an explanation in Hugh's own words (taken from p. 81) of what this will look like as a community of Jesus' disciples intentionally live out the gospel together.

"The incarnational big-story gospel will require a place of discovery, where people will be able to see the truth before they hear about it.  This place will not be a location but a community of people who are inclusive of everyone.  These people will be making eternity attractive by how they live such selfless lives now, and will be modeling life in a New Kingdom in ways that will make it easy for other people to give it a try.  People like this aren't desperate to convert everyone; they are desperate to be like Christ and to be where Christ is.  Their heartbeat to be transformed into the image of Christ, and to pray and work for little specks of transformation in everyone and everything they touch.  Success is faithfulness. The rest is up to God."

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