Thursday, May 17, 2012

Actions You Can Take To “Stand Up For Israel.”

      Here are the suggestions on ways to stand up for Israel from Jack Hayford's article, most of which I posted yesterday.  Let's be diligent to do all we can do to obey God and support His people.

1) Equip yourself with reliable information, avoiding bigotry and disallowing “blind spots.” Recognize the disposition of the popular press. Assess reports cautiously but not with paranoia. Become familiar with the basics of history in the Middle East, and understand the past century.
2) Accept with continuing faithfulness the Bible’s call to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6), and pray that our Nation will govern in the light of Genesis 12:1-3... ”I will bless those who bless you...”
3) Prayerfully consider visiting Israel as a point of practical support.
4) Show friendship toward Jewish friends. Affirm that you, as a believer, stand with
Israel as a point of your Bible-based commitment to God.
5) While acknowledging the terrorist habits of radical Muslims, be gracious to others.
Take action because it’s such a pivotally important time. Today, the showdown that we face is so close to being the nations of the earth against Israel and whoever is left that stands with them.
The final issue will be “Who is for Christ and His way and who isn’t?” The Lord has called us to be a people who will touch people and will stand with moral and biblical convictions for critical issues...and this is one. 

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