Saturday, June 15, 2013

Today's the Day!

      Today's the big day--the first day of Heritage Days!  We don't have any idea what to expect.  There is a forecast for 30% chance of isolated showers today and 40% tomorrow.  We pray they are isolated from us!  The last 2 days have been perfect!  Too bad we couldn't have had the Festival then!
      We have advertised everywhere we could think of--TV, radio, many press releases to over 20 newspapers, posters, flyers, banners in the 5 towns in our county, word of mouth.  How many people will that bring to a new festival?  Will they be curious, or will they wait till it is established to check it out?
      Our friends, Ned & Marcia, are here from Omaha.  Ned is a woodcarver and will be giving demonstrations at the Festival.  Our daughter and grandchildren, also from Nebraska, are coming.  Coincidentally, the economic director for Martinsville is originally from Nebraska.  Her parents are here, too, so at least Nebraska will be well represented!
      One of the committee members made a terrific stage out of 2 oversized hay wagons for the bands & storyteller.  He made steps to get up to the stage and bolted a canopy tent to the wagon so there would be shade.  How innovative!  As I said before I am so amazed by this committee--everyone has unique gifts and has shared them to make this such a fun experience.
       Time to go.  We have to start setting up!!  Please pray with us for a wonderful festival that will be a blessing to the community and a fun time for all who participate.
       I will post pictures soon. 

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