"AzusaNow 2016: Convergence of the Ages and the Harvest Glory Angel"
At various times throughout history, Christians have filled stadiums, packed out key locations, and coordinated events involving millions, yet none have seemed to lead to a sustained move of God. Many were important events in their own right, but didn't translate into an actual movement. It's important to know that, whether you're able to attend or not, I believe what will be released at Azusa Now on April 9th in the Los Angeles Coliseum will be different. A convergence of the ages will come into full synchronicity and will mark a change to life as we know it.

Azusa Now is a sign that we've already experienced a shift that we've been hoping for. This event will not only cause an acceleration, but will also be evidence that we're already in the throes of a divine, catalytic convergence of the ages. Yes, it's that big.
I don't think it's coincidental that the same day, on the opposite coast, 30,000 pastors and leaders will gather to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the Azusa Street Revival in Washington, DC, at UnitedCry DC16. In July, another one million Christians are also expected at a prayer event in DC. All of these happening in the same year are signs that a precursor to a breakthrough has begun.
The Kingdom age has converged on us as never before! Associated with this long-anticipated season, God has impressed on me that He is sending a very great angel into our midst in the Los Angeles Coliseum on April 9th to release a multitude into the glory of harvest – not just the harvesting of souls, but also of nations.
The Harvest Glory Angel
Before I explain what God showed me about the angel, let me try to circumvent the religious uproar that often comes when anyone speaks about present-day angels.
First of all, why is it okay to speak of the devil and his cronies by their names (satan, beelzebub, baal, mammon, jezebel, apollyon, etc.), but it's not okay to speak of created angelic beings on our side? Telling about our side with some detail is designed to personalize what we Biblically already know about angels who surround us. Personalizing them serves to impact and encourage us in a greater way. To name an angel doesn't mean we're worshipping it any more than naming your child leads you into worshipping your child. It's an identification marker of importance that speaks a message of its own.
Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible with over 160 of those references in the New Testament. Angels didn't stop existing or leave the earth after the New Testament. We need to stop allowing religious mindsets to steal our inheritance of partnering with angels. It's not coincidental that the Azusa Revival took place in Los Angeles (Spanish for The Angels), as well as the upcoming Azusa Now. I believe Los Angeles will eventually be known specifically as the City of Angels because of the confirmed increase of angelic activity there.

My impression is that this great angel has been disappointed for a long time because he was originally sent to do much more than what he has been able to accomplish on earth. Spiritually authorized leaders, under the influence of a religious and political spirit, have prevented him from rendering his full service.
Harvey has been around since at least 1906. I was shown that he has the ability to affect our entire nation, not just through revival, salvations, and healing – but also through everything that's related to the transformation of society in every area of culture. He is heavily endowed with presence, healing, finances, creativity, and innovation and has already left an indelible imprint on our past revivals and Holy Spirit outpourings.
This harvest glory angel has always been connected to moves and waves of the Holy Spirit. I believe he was given enough power and resources during the Azusa Street Revival to prevent our nation from experiencing the Great Depression – if he had he been given full rein. His ability to positively affect our economy is profound, especially if we realize the supernatural help we're being offered.
My friend and I were directed by the Holy Spirit to an address where the angel has been put on assignment, which we discovered was on the grounds of Vanguard University and the Costa Mesa Church. What was unusual is that this angel is stationed, not inside of a church or chapel, but within a walled area that no one can get into without a key. When we looked through the cracks, we saw it's where all of the power transformers are located for that area.
We began to understand that Harvey is a transformation angel and has been given the ability to supernaturally generate billions, and perhaps trillions, of dollars effortlessly. After some research, we discovered that a large percentage of millionaires/billionaires live and work within a 50-mile radius of where he is stationed in Costa Mesa. I am certain that this angel's presence is highly responsible for that fact.
The upcoming activation of the harvest glory angel is going to be nothing less than game-changing. It's the Lord's joy to use a faithful and valiant angelic servant of His to display great glory. The Kingdom of God is like a treasure hid in the field. Harvey is an amazing treasure that's been hidden. He's about to have a coming-out party of sorts that will produce Kingdom funding for Hollywood movies and projects, for major medical breakthroughs, and for all sorts of new technologies and inventions. Every one of the seven mountains of society will be impacted by what this angel releases in Southern California – through government, education, family, religion, arts and entertainment, economy, and media.
Who The Harvest Glory Angel Has Assisted
To give you an idea of this angel's capabilities, the following 11 individuals/ministries are some who I believe have been greatly assisted by the harvest glory angel through the direction of the Holy Spirit – all of whom have been geographically connected within a 50-mile radius of where he's stationed in Costa Mesa, California.

Aimee operated in the power of the Holy Spirit and saw thousands of remarkable healings, but also was on the cutting edge of creative ways to present the Gospel. I believe this harvest glory angel assisted her in significant ways and helped expand her influence into every area of society. She too was prematurely shut down through the religious and political spirits that have been strongholds in Southern California. The greatest extinguishers of the Holy Spirit's advance in California have always been fellow Christians under the perverse influence of religion and politics. (Photo of Aimee Semple McPherson via Wikipedia)

The Assemblies of God is the largest Pentecostal denomination in the United States and it was birthed out of the Azusa Street Revival. They now number in excess of 67 million around the globe and have led more people to Christ than any other denomination. The above mentioned Vanguard University and the Costa Mesa Church are part of the Assemblies of God. I am convinced that many pastors, missionaries, and leaders who came through these institutions received an impartation from this great angel. George O. Wood, the present general superintendent of the denomination, was the Senior Pastor at Costa Mesa Church for 17 years.

TBN is the largest religious television network in the world. Whether you agree with all that is broadcast there or not, the reality is that this Holy Spirit-focused ministry has been used powerfully by God in countless lives all over the world and is, not coincidentally, based in Costa Mesa.
This great harvest glory angel has been radiating from his post in Costa Mesa, CA, for over 100 years – releasing ministers, ministries, and movements of the Holy Spirit around the globe. The list I have made is just some of the better known carriers of the harvest glory of God that has been made available to us for the purpose of partnering with God in the restoration of all things.
Prophetic Word For Today: A Transformation Generation Will Now Be Released
Because we have entered into a time of the convergence of the ages, we are now going to see a generation of Holy Spirit-infused Believers released. The mantles and anointing of people like Billy Graham, Heidi Baker, Aimee Semple McPherson, William Seymour, John Wimber, Lonnie Frisbee, etc., are going to be released by the hundreds, and maybe thousands, in one generation. This means exponential multiplication. Much of that will commence this April 9th in the Los Angeles Coliseum. There's something to be said about geographic proximity. The Coliseum is about 40 miles from Costa Mesa and well within the working radius of this angel.
Again, this isn't meant to be about becoming overly conscious of angels, it's about valuing and honoring the resource that God Himself created and sent to help us accomplish His purposes in the earth. Harvey is a Kingdom asset, part of the angel armies of Heaven, sent to do and release great things. God wants us to value His angels in the same way we would value any of these above mentioned names. It's all under the careful oversight and preeminent presence of the Holy Spirit and is one of the ways He will be pouring out of His Spirit on all flesh.

For the same reason He chose to use Los Angeles back in 1906, He will do so again in 2016. One hundred and ten years later, He's connecting us to 110 "volts" of transformational power that will restore His correct reputation in the earth through His advancing Kingdom into every area of culture.
The Father will be seen as the God of All of Life who cares about every problem that exists, loves us extravagantly, and displays His kindness that then leads to repentance – through His sons and daughters. These sons and daughters that have been touched by His harvest glory are so convinced of His goodness and love that those sons and daughters who don't yet know that they are His, will be drawn to the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of the Father that we daily walk in. May it be so!
In unity may we proclaim, "Come, Holy Spirit!"
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth
Email: Contact@JohnnyandElizabeth.com
Website: www.JohnnyandElizabeth.com
Johnny and Elizabeth
Email: Contact@JohnnyandElizabeth.com
Website: www.JohnnyandElizabeth.com
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