Saturday, May 14, 2016

Forgiveness Therapy Documented

MAY 2016

"Unforgiveness is classified in medical books as a disease. According to Dr. Steven Standiford, chief of surgery at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, refusing to forgive makes people sick and keeps them that way.
With that in mind, forgiveness therapy is now being used to help treat diseases, such as cancer."
CBN recently published an amazing article, please follow this link to see more: CBN
Forgiveness Testimonies      
"It's funny that I see this right now because I was researching ADHD and anger. My son was diagnosed with ADHD and over the past 5-6 months he has shown a huge change in his behavior. He says he can't control his anger. I came across a site, not a Christian site, and it said that the power of forgiveness helps a child with ADHD and anger. I read Biblical Foundations of Freedom by Dr. Art Mathias and it helped me with my breakthrough, but I never thought about praying with my 8 year old son the same way and now I see this. Yeah, I hear you Holy Spirit." Stacey P.  FB Testimony  5/12/16
"This is exactly what healed me. When I read Biblical Foundations of Freedom, I was and healed of lifelong allergies to wheat, dairy, pollen and hayfever. I was also healed of scoliosis, chronic pain, migraines and menopausal symptoms. I exercise more now than I ever did in my youth, and I feel great! Unforgiveness causes pain and illness."   5/12/16
"I struggled with resentments and unforgiveness all my life from what was done to me as a child, and again later as an adult. I always thought that I had to "feel" forgiveness, and I could never feel forgiveness for what they did to me.   but learned, that I don't have to "feel" it, I only need to truly forgive them (as in prayer below), and God does the rest. The results in my life for completing forgiveness therapy was healing, no drugs, no surgery, just freedom in my body from pain, sleeplessness and depression. Praise God!"  Ella L.   FB Testimony   5/12/16
4 Part Wellspring Prayer:

Part 1 - Forgiving or Repenting In obedience we choose to forgive or repent. - Matthew 6:14-15, James 4:7, I John 1:9 
Part 2 - Canceling Satan’s Authority In the name of Jesus and by the power of His blood, I cancel Satan’s power and authority over me in the issue of ____________________.   Ephesians 4:27, James 4:7  
Part 3 - Asking for Healing We ask to be healed of a broken heart  or  a broken body - free from shame, anger, guilt, rejection, bitterness, fear. We seek the renewing of our mind or the purging of our conscience. - Psalms 103:3, Romans 12:1-2,  Luke 4:18-19,  Hebrew 9:14 
Part 4 - Listening or Talking With God Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you His truth about the specific situation you are praying about. The Holy Spirit talks to us in a quiet voice, dreams, visions, impressions, or just takes the pain and leaves His peace. - John 14:26  

Forgiveness Prayer: Heavenly Father, I purpose and choose to forgive…..(the person for what they did).  I release them and cancel their debt to me. In the name of Jesus I cancel all of Satan’s authority over me in this memory because it is forgiven. Holy Spirit, heal my heart  and tell  me Your truth about this situation. Listen…  

Repentance Prayer:  Heavenly Father, forgive me for….(the specific sin). I purpose and choose to forgive myself. In the name of Jesus I cancel all of Satan’s authority over me in this sin - I am forgiven. Holy Spirit, heal my heart and tell me Your truth about this situation. Listen….