Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Glenn Clark Quote

      Glenn Clark was/is one of my mentors even though I never met him.  He founded Camps Farthest Out in 1930.  We attended CFO as a family for 20 years which totally wrecked us for anything less than the fullness of the Holy Spirit operating in our lives.  I have listened to as many Glenn Clark messages as I could get my hands on.
      The speakers we met through CFO were forerunners, I believe, of what God is doing/saying today in many churches, such as Bethel in Redding, CA and conferences sponsored by those connected to them.   (Matt Leach has a website here where you can listen to many of the talks from early CFOs--the link is also posted on the Resources Page of this blog.  I highly recommend you check it out and see how inspired the messages given were.)
      As I was cleaning out drawers in my office, I found this quote of Glenn's that I had copied into one of my journals:
    "When we treat every person as an end in himself (apply the Golden Rule) and not hold a single negative, condemnatory thought for anyone in the world, and when we keep our prayer secret and sacred, and have absolute faith in God's power and willingness to grant the right answer at the right time, the answer will never fail to come."    The Way, The Truth, & the Life,  Glenn Clark, p. 52

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