"My Bride, My Faithful Remnant - Be Found Ready!"
My Bride - Be Found Ready
The Lord continues to speak to me about the critical time we are in as the Body of Christ, and the great importance for His people to come into alignment with His heart, ways and Word, and to be "found ready" to partner with Him in all He will unfold in this era. There is great expectation for what is to come and the Lord is inviting His people to be found ready. His heart is that all should partner with Him and that none should miss what He is doing in these days. His desire is for His Church to awaken, and from His great love He is shaking the Church in order to bring alignment.
There is an invitation being released at this threshing floor time (time of sifting) to be found on the right side of the divide so you may walk in the reward of greater partnership with Him.
I heard the Lord say, "I am preparing My Bride and calling her to be ready. A clear divide will be seen between My faithful remnant and those who are not found ready. There has always been a need to be ready, but no time greater than now. Those who are found ready are given the key to greater partnership with Me. My greater plans will unfold in the time ahead and I desire for none to be left out. However, only those who are awakened to the hour and aligned with Me will see the key (invitation) before them.
"My heart longs for My people to be found ready; to be found on the right side of the divide. If they could see what is to come and the magnitude of My plans that will unfold, many would now embrace the path of refining and the shaking, but I am looking for those who embrace My ways and direction even before they see. These are My faithful ones and the ones that will be given a greater position of authority.
Those Who Prepare the Way Are Arising
"A company of those like John the Baptist are arising, calling My people to repentance and a return to Me and My ways. They are preparing the way for the move of My Spirit that is coming. They are the ones crying, 'Prepare the way of the Lord.' They walk in the fear of God, not man, and are set apart for the advancement of My Kingdom. This new era will be marked by a return of the fear of God to My Church. There will be a clear divide between those who walk in the fear of God and those who walk in the fear of man.
"Great unity will be seen in My remnant as they are of one heart, mind and spirit. They will be seen as My army, arising in these days. They are willing to walk the road less traveled. It is the road less traveled as it is available to all, but chosen by few. It is the road of righteousness and holiness. They enter through the gate of surrender, laying down their own pride and agendas.
"This road is the road of submission to Me and alignment with My heart and ways. It is the path of peace, for they are led by peace. It is the road of reward, for great is the sacrifice, but even greater is the spiritual reward for those who choose this path. I call this road a highway, as it is the path of advancement and acceleration into all I have called them to be and all I am doing in this hour. They enter this highway through the gate of sacrifice and surrender, but the gate of greater destiny, greater glory and greater works will open to these ones in the time ahead.
"I am releasing a new level of boldness to My remnant and they will boldly step out in My name and the power of My Spirit. This era will be marked by the release of boldness, and there will be a clear divide between those who are filled with My Spirit and fire and those who are not.These ones will do greater works in My name and will draw many to Me.
Exposing the Heart of individuals & Nations
"In this era of the heart there is a great sifting and uncovering of that which has been hidden. I am uncovering that which needs to be brought into alignment with My heart. I am shining the light on the heart of individuals and of nations for this is the hour for individuals and nations to align with their divine destiny.
A Word for the United States of America
"I am purging the heart of the nation. That which is in darkness is being brought into the light. I am exposing the heart and bringing healing and restoration to the heart of the nation. It is time for My people to stand united to see My plans and purposes come to pass.
"The pioneering spirit will arise like in the days of old in this nation. I have called the US to be a voice in the darkness, to boldly stand for truth and proclaim the way. I will use the US as a sign post and guide to other nations. Great is its military might but greater is the power of My remnant arising in this nation.
"Division has plagued the nation but My remnant is arising in great unity and power to stand against the spirit of division over the nation. The tide will turn over the nation. Even now, My angel armies are being released. Intercessors in the nation will see a new day dawn over the nation. They will see injustices overturned by My hand.
"My people in the USA, do you trust Me to bring to pass what only I can do? Do you trust Me with the destiny of your nation? Will you lay down your own agendas and pray for My will to be done? My ways are higher and My thoughts are higher. I will shake the scales off the eyes of My Church and awaken them to the truth and hour at hand. I am healing the heart of the nation, for life flows from the heart.
A Word for Australia & the Nations of the Southlands
"I am exposing complacency in the heart of these nations and shaking My Church to take action. I will cause a sound to arise from Australia and the nations of the South Pacific. It is the sound of worship warriors arising. These ones will carry My fire. They have been purified in My refiners fire and operate in the power of My Spirit.
"I am cautioning My people in the Southlands: do not return to the familiar but choose the new path I have highlighted in this time of reset. Don't choose what is comfortable, but choose the higher path. A divide will be seen between those that are apathetic and complacent and those that burn to see My Kingdom advance in these days. Let your prayer and intercession arise and be led by My Spirit. Now is not the time for apathy and slumber. Now is the time to stand. Look with spiritual eyes at the battle at hand and take your place."
A Threshing Floor Time
We are in a 'threshing floor' time where the Lord is separating the wheat from the chaff. He is looking for those He can use in a greater way in this era. We are in a time of sifting. The Lord is searching our hearts and calling us to return to our first love. He is exposing pride, sin and areas that need to be brought before Him in repentance and surrender, so that we may come to a place of deeper and closer alignment with Him. He is exposing doctrines and ways that have entered His Church that are not in line with His Word and ways. He is stripping away mixture and bringing us back to foundational truths so His people can step out in faith, truth and power.
The Body of Christ is in a significant time of preparation for the move of God that is coming, and the Lord is looking for the separated ones, the ones found ready – the "wheat." He is looking for those with pure hearts, who hunger to see His Kingdom advance and are willing to carry their cross and follow Him. These are His faithful ones who He will fill with boldness, and they will go, do and say as the Spirit leads them. They will carry His fire, Word and love.
The Lord is preparing individuals and nations for their greater destiny that He will unfold in the time ahead. It is not only individuals but nations that are on the threshing floor and are being shaken in order to bring alignment. The Lord is separating out that which is of Him and good and that which is not. The Word of God will divide truth from deception. May we be the wheat, the ones found ready and separated out for His purposes in this era.
Katie Barker
Bring the Fire Ministries
Website: www.katiebarker.com.au
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Website: www.katiebarker.com.au
| www.bringthefireministries.com
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