Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Martinsville MAPPING

   Last night was the last in the series of five meetings for the MAPPING sessions.  These sessions have helped to give much direction and purpose to improving the appearance, function, livelihood, and prosperity of our town.  This last meeting was very productive and inspiring--at least as far as our committee was concerned.  I can't speak for the others but we came away eager to get started on our first project.
   Since the Linn Trust is giving the Linn property, which is across the street from the city park, to the city as an addition to the park, we decided the first project for our Festivals and Events committee would be to begin planning for an amphitheater for the new addition.  It seems to us having an amphitheater could increase the number and quality of events that could be held in the park and would hopefully not only provide entertainment and community spirit to area residents, but would also increase visitors to our town.  There seemed to be much enthusiasm generated for the idea, so our first step is to have the site surveyed and the size and location of the amphitheater determined, and then we will begin discussing plans and costs and ways to fund the project. 
       If you have any ideas, or live in a city that already has an amphitheater in your park, we are open to suggestions and would love to receive photos of other amphitheaters.
      If you live in Martinsville and are interested in being part of this project we would be glad to have you as part of our committee.  Feel free to email me any questions or ideas and I will get back to you with the date of our next meeting.
    I'm looking forward to a new and improved look to our small community through the plans and projects begun through this experiment with MAPPING.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Thank you for committing to the Mapping project. My mom has enjoyed it also.