Saturday, April 18, 2020

Kris Vallotton's book "Spirit Wars"

      I'm attempting to discipline myself most every day to ride my reclining exercise bike. I've been doing pretty well even though I can't seem to make myself ride more than 30 minutes.  But then I encourage myself that 30 minutes is much better than doing nothing. The odometer says I ride 8-8.5 miles depending on how fast I peddle in that half hour.  Unfortunately, it also says Ive only burned 180-200 calories--about 1/2 a chocolate chip cookie--in that time! UGH!
       One thing that distracts me and helps to keep me going is to read a book while I'm riding.  Right now I am reading Kris Vallotton's book, Spirit Wars, as an ebook.  FYI: Kris has made this ebook available free of charge as an encouragement during this time of coping with restrictions brought on by the coronavirus.  It is available through April 30 on Amazon.  Here's the link if you're interested.
      Chapter 8 would be worth the price of the book if you had to buy it, but as I said, it is FREE, so I would highly recommend you take advantage of the offer.  One quote from Chapter 8 is so true: "Happiness is an inside job."  How often have we let our circumstances dictate our attitude!  Do we tell ourselves if my husband, child, job, weather, the coronavirus, etc. etc would only change I could be happy?  Happiness is a choice and I believe it begins with an attitude of gratitude.  But I digress.  I was attempting to put in a plug for Kris's book.  As I said, Chapter 8 is excellent.  His explanation of the difference between God's directions to sit, walk, stand is enlightening and the spiritual understanding of the analogy of putting on armor in Ephesians 6 is so helpful.
       During this "reset"--as several of the prophets are calling it--why not take a look at Kris' book?  I think it will help you to a reset of some of the ways you have previously seen things.  It certainly has helped me.

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