Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Lou Engle, "The Great Communion Revival! On April 9, Let's Take Communion Together!"

If you have not heard of this you may want to read this article and then participate in communion with the millions who will be partaking tomorrow on the first day of Passover.

"The Great Communion Revival! On April 9, Let's Take Communion Together!"

"And they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses where they eat it...It is the Lord's Passover...Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt." (Exodus 12:7, 11, 13)

Years ago, my friend Chris Berglund had a dream of a woman in the cloud of witnesses who opened a large treasure box on the sands of time. As she lifted the lid, all of these letters floated up out of it and formed the sentence: "Lou has been given the gift of faith for the Great Communion Revival."

Then in recent years, a young man, not knowing Chris' dream, had a dream in which he and I were watching lines of people as far as you could see coming into a chapel. In the dream he prophesied, "All the revivals in all of history will dull in comparison to the Great Communion Revival!"
We are stunned, once again, at the brilliance of the Father's timing for this fast which ends on Easter weekend when the Church celebrates communion worldwide and the global Jewish community celebrates the Blood of the Passover Lamb. The Hebrew calendar and the Church calendar have synchronized in a historic and momentous convergence! We are in a global 40-day Jesus Fast converging with a global communion service! Even now, I am connecting with leaders of networks of churches that touch the whole globe. There are literally tens of millions who will be taking communion at the end of this fast. Could this be the beginnings of the Great Communion Revival? (Photo via Pixabay)

Just as in the days of the Egyptian captivity, when a plague broke out that killed all the firstborn of the land, a global plague has now broken out, slaying thousands around the world. In those days, the sprinkled blood of a lamb was more powerful than the plague, setting the Israelites free. Is not the Blood of the Eternal Lamb of God even more powerful when applied in faith by the Church worldwide to see the obliterating of this present pandemic and the release of millions of captives set free from the bondage of sin and death?
Let's Take Communion Together!
We believe the Lord is setting up the most glorious Passover moment in history since He offered up His very life on the Cross.

On April 9th, our last day of fasting and the first day of Passover, we are calling for men and women everywhere – whether you've been fasting or not – to take communion with those in your homes and celebrate the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.

• Let Jesus say to you personally, as He said to His disciples on that night, "Oh how I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover meal with you..." (Luke 22:15). Acknowledge His presence in your midst and eat of the broken body and poured out Blood of your Savior.

• Far and wide, let us apply His Blood to the doorposts of our personal guilt, our family guilt, and our national guilt. Then, let us stand as an Ekklesia ruling body and once again declare the victory of the Cross over the coronavirus.

• Pray together with mighty faith and command the doors to be opened for the most glorious evangelistic missional assault on the gates of Hades this world has ever seen!

• Then, pray for a powerful baptism of the Holy Spirit, from which you go and preach the Gospel.

We are expectant, with many around the globe, of an explosive move of salvation that will spring forth from this year's Passover. May it become known as the Great Communion Revival!

Note: On Thursday, April 9th, we hope you will join us at 12 noon Mountain Time on Facebook (Lou Engle Ministries Facebook page) for a live 30-40 minute Communion experience together. We're gathering early so all of Europe can join us. Let's do the dream and believe for a blockbuster event in the spirit that opens up a mass beholding of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! 

* Please don't miss our emerging and newly found prophets! Subscribe here.
Lou Engle
Lou Engle Ministries


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