Saturday, December 15, 2012

Contrary Winds Of Adversity Are Blowing Many In The Right Direction

     This is an encouraging word for me from Bill Yount, who has become a friend of ours, to look at things that seem difficult to my eyes, as God sees them.  I thought you might be going through some trying time,s and be encouraged, too.  You can read this on Bill's website, along with other words he has given here.

Contrary Winds Of Adversity Are Blowing Many In The Right Direction

 Bill Yount    

While speaking on childlike faith in Kansas, I noticed an eleven-year-old boy named Brody listening intently as if he were eating the message off everyone's plate.

Two weeks later I received this update on Brody.

Brody went bow hunting with his cousin. While walking to their hunting place, Brody was thinking how difficult it would be to actually kill a deer. It was very windy and a boy of Brody's size doesn't have the strength to pull a powerful bow. He told his mother later that while having these thoughts God told him he would get a deer. His mother asked him what God had said and Brody's reply was that God said, " Brody, I'm going to give you one of my animals today". Shortly thereafter, Brody saw a doe 30 yards away (a difficult distance for Brody and his bow). He shot and saw that the arrow would miss its mark, but at the last moment a strong wind hit the arrow and sent it into the animal's heart. A perfect shot. What an awsome God!

When I heard this testimony I couldn't help but think how many of us are experiencing strong winds of adversity that leave us powerless from pursuing our purposes and dreams. But then in the Spirit I saw these same strong winds actually blowing many in the direction God intends them to go. These adverse winds had become friends to many, driving them into their God-appointed destination.
"It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord.


Bill Yount

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! We serve an awesome God!!!