Friday, April 17, 2015

Another Inspiring Thought from Frank Laubach

     I loved the thought Frank Laubach expressed in the April 18 meditation in Learning The Vocabulary of God.  (For some reason I thought today was the 18th so I read that entry--I must have needed it today.)

He says,
Dear Father, 
My soul reaches up once more to Thee, 
For Thy morning Kiss, 
Because Thou, Father God, art Ruler and Lover in one.
What use of this day will wreathe Thy lips with happy smiles, Father, and make Thee give me a kiss of good night with the words, "Well done"?  How loving, how large must my thought be?  Only one simple task--to keep the window wide open, to try to keep consciously obedient to Thy voice--and Thou wilt tell all the rest.

      How touching to imagine God as the loving Father awakening His child with a kiss!  What an intimate picture of God's loving care for us!

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