Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Dale Gentry's Prayer Today from the Breakout Prayer Network

Faith Declarations-Wednesday by Dale Gentry

Good Wednesday morning everybody! Let's Pray America!

"Father God..............may we as Christians know and understand that we have entered into a new season of spiritual warfare in this nation with the expansion of the Islam religion.....................accompanied by the Muslim population in America who are playing the victim card as a result of Donald Trump's response to a Muslim man who spoke at the 
DNC..............fueling responses from the liberal left on the Republican nominee who is now being bombarded in every direction from the liberal media who are determined to elect a person from a party that would not even include You in their platform four years ago............may we as believers pause and consider the consequences of electing a person who represents that party............may we know its high time to lift our voices in prayer as well as lifting up our voices concerning the dangers that the church faces in the near future if the media succeeds in electing their nominee..............a press who once appeared to adore Donald Trump has now turned on him with a vengeance...............attempting to not only discredit him but the party which he represents...........the party who stands for the life of an unborn child, traditional marriage, the nomination of a conservative Supreme Court judge and with pastors to not be harassed or silenced in their pulpit................may we not be deceived into thinking that we as Christians will not be marginalized come November if we remain neutral............may we pray fervently concerning this next presidential election and passionately for a major revival in every major town and city in this Jesus name we pray...........amen." 

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