Thursday, August 4, 2016

Who Am I Working For Right Now, Jesus, Or The Devil?

     Last night we were visiting with a friend who was recovering from open heart surgery.  His daughter, who had recently moved to California to be part of Bethel Church, was there to help him for a few days.  She was telling us how much they loved it in Redding and how wonderful Bethel School was for their boys.  She said the school was instilling in them such a desire to follow the Lord that when their children were misbehaving they only needed to ask them, "Who are you working for right now?  Jesus?  Or the devil?"  She said they would stop immediately when they realized what they were doing.
    That seems like a fitting question to ask ourselves in every area of our lives, doesn't it?  When we have a decision to make, when we are thinking unkind thoughts, holding grudges, spending our money unwisely, or saying hurtful things, maybe we would have less regrets if we first ask ourselves, "Who am I working for right now? Jesus? or the devil?"

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