A Meditative Journey

God does not live in a box; He has no predetermined flight plan, no processes set in stone, as to how He upgrades His relationships with His children. His love for us is completely unique and individual. However, we have learned from the Bible that there are things that God is attracted to; things He loves to be a part of. With that in mind, these 5 steps can serve as a guide to help you upgrade your perspective of God for the next season of your life.
1. Thanksgiving
We enter His gates with thanksgiving…what are you thankful for? What has God given you? What gifts has He lavished upon you? Take some time and offer Him a heartfelt psalm of thanksgiving, focusing on the blessings He has given you.
If your current circumstances are difficult or hard, what can you be thankful for in terms of God’s heart toward you? That He said He “would never leave nor forsake you” is worthy of thanks alone.
2. Worship
Adore God. Magnify His name. Tell Him of His wondrous deeds. Praise Him for His great majesty. If thanksgiving opens His gates, then worship opens His heart. Don’t rush…just worship Him, in spirit and in truth.
To magnify has two meanings. Firstly to see something bigger than it is in actual size. Secondly to see something as big as it really is. We tend to magnify our problems and not the Lord. See Him as big as He is.
3. Stillness
It is in stillness and peace that God begins to speak. Remember, His voice wasn’t in the whirlwind or the thunder, it was still and quiet. Be still and know that He is God. Rest there. Live there. Connect with the Almighty there. Still the clamoring in your thoughts. We all have a background conversation in our minds that either feeds our fears or lifts our spirits. Stillness promotes a God consciousness.
4. See Him as your Prince of Peace
Embrace God as your Prince of Peace, draw on His restful nature to sustain you. As troubles rise in your heart, ask the Prince of Peace to soothe you. He is your refuge, your strong tower. If it helps, picture a strong tower, ruled by God. Live in it.
5. See Him as your Man of War
God is also your protector; paradoxically, He is gentle as a Lamb, and fierce as a Lion. He is your shield, your sword, your strength. Let Him fight your battles for you…don’t take matters into your own hands. Allow Him to be fully God in your life—the provider of peace, and the protector of your life.
-an excerpt from The Nature of God
There are 5 more steps in this process of upgrading your perspective that you can check out and reflect on in The Nature of God. Download a copy today.
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