"God's Rescue Operation and the Red Tsunami Effect"
A few nights ago, the Boston Red Sox finished off the Los Angeles Dodgers 5-1 and won the World Series of Baseball in 5 games. Also, Brazil elected Jair Bolsonaro as president. These two events are related in a way, and I will get into that. As many of you know, I believe most big sports events have an encapsulated prophetic message for us, and it speaks to the awesomeness of our God on how He pulls off that kind of thing. He is able to somehow superimpose important truths and realities into mundane sports events that grab the attention of the world. I will also speak into the present roller-coaster path of the Dow Jones.
Red Sox Beat Dodger Blues
"...He who sits in the heavens laughs at and holds in derision those who believe THEY have the power."
I have been telling my friends and family throughout the baseball playoffs that I saw no way any teams, other than the Red Sox and the Dodgers, could be the finalists for the World Series. I also stated that I saw no way that the Red Sox could lose in this year where red is being highlighted (even though the Dodgers have been my team of preference now that I live close to them). Many of you picked that up as well, based on the personal messages I have received.
All year long, I have highlighted the color red winning out in key sports events and how they spoke to midterm election wins, as well as a general advancement of Trump's God-given assignments. Early in the year, it was the Alabama Crimson Tide that won the national championship yet again, and now they are ranked number one and look unbeatable. I have shared about seeing a vision of a red tsunami wave coming in, and that message keeps being repeated. I also shared several prophetic words on the wins of Justify, the Triple Crown-winning horse who is nicknamed "Big Red."
I believe God has been revealing hidden revelation all year into what is coming through His appointed servant, Trump. This was once again made clear through the World Series. Understand as I delve into these things that the positive and negative symbolisms are only symbolisms and do not reflect on the players or the teams themselves.
Boston: Patriots and Revolution
Boston is significant as it's the city where the Red Sox are from. It is the city traditionally thought of when we think of patriotism and patriotic revolution. Accordingly, they have an NFL team called the Patriots and an MLS soccer team called Revolution. They were the best team all year and won the most games all year. They won the World Series by scoring 5 runs in game 5; 5 is the number of grace. The winning pitcher was a man named David Price, who wore number 24 and was 33 years old. That right there almost sums it all up.
I have been sharing that we are going through a rescue from Heaven that has been paid for by the Blood of Jesus. The deep, deep darkness in our government, media, economy, arts, education, etc. is getting dealt with in an unprecedented way.
The Sleeping Church

God's Red Rescue Operation
God is executing a rescue operation in our day that rivals the rescue operation He performed for Israel when they were delivered by the Red Sea from the long-term oppression of the Egyptians. The highlighting of RED, then and now, is all about the Blood of Jesus setting the agenda. He was called "Son of David," and at age 33 He shed His Blood not just so we could inherit Heaven, but so that Heaven could inherit the earth. The Kingdom COMING is still His passion and He has an ever-increasing agenda for it.
David Price: 24 and 33
As I mentioned before, Jesus was called the "Son of David" shedding His Blood for us at age 33. David Price is 33 years old and was number 24; 24 is also the number I have been sharing all year that had to do with Justice. There are 24 elders with crowns that are around the throne of God. The "Price" for the "Justice" being released upon us now was paid for by "the Son of David" and it is what creates the red tsunami effect. Our "Sox" are going to be red as we will walk, rise, and win, not because of our own strength, but because of the Blood of Jesus that was shed for us.
There is, of course, the red vs. blue dynamic playing out directly in politics (red being the Republicans' color and blue being the Democrats' color), but this all goes way beyond that. We will discover almost as much shocking darkness uncovered in Republicans as Democrats, so let's not just think this is about politics. It really is about the Blood of Jesus setting an agenda to advance our destiny as a people, as a nation, and ultimately the world.
Clayton Loses
Clayton Kershaw was the opposing pitcher to David Price. He is an amazing pitcher and I think a quality person. However for this World Series, the symbolism he represents is not good. He represents the team trying to give us "the blues." Clayton can be broken up into Clay-Ton. "CLAY" speaks of corruption, since it is a mixture and not a pure element, and there has been a "TON" of corruption revealed and is yet to be revealed. Furthermore, there is a word "Dodgy" related to Dodgers which means "dishonest, unreliable, potentially dangerous." This has been the reality of that which is being defeated, that which is being exposed, and that which is about to be judged.
Bolsonaro Becomes President of Brazil
"...we are going through a rescue from Heaven that has been paid for by the Blood of Jesus."
I was in Brazil several weeks ago and in fact while there, Jair Bolsonaro was stabbed and almost died, having to be hospitalized for 23 days. At that time he was considered a "fringe" candidate that could not possibly win, but obviously the devil knew he was a threat. At the time he had 22% of the populace who said they would vote for him. Recently he won the presidential election of Brazil with over 55% of the vote (despite perhaps losing several more percentage points of the vote to fraud).
Bolsonaro has been called "the Trump of the Tropics" and he seems to craft much of his message after Trump's messaging. He surrounds himself with Believers, is strongly pro-life, and has said he will move their embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He is against the Paris climate treaty and he is strong on the military, law and order and the economy. He refers frequently to patriotism, and just this week he and Trump talked on how they will work together and cooperate in everything. In the world scheme of things, it is a huge matter.
Brazil has over 200 million people and, when properly functioning, is a top-5 world economy. Bolsonaro's presidency will affect all of South America positively, and his partnering in the "same spirit" with Trump will be powerful for world events. It is part of the red tsunami of the Blood of Jesus going beyond our own borders with a rescue plan. Brazil had gotten themselves in a terrible position of embedded corruption and delinquency, and they are now also experiencing a rescue plan from God. This will continue being a global reality and will go from nation to nation.
Dow Jones
Last year I spoke on how I saw the Dow Jones hitting 27,000 by October of this year. On October 3, 2018, the Dow Jones got up to 26,951.81 (which I will take as being 27,000). Right now it is going through wild swings and is under 25,000, which is frightening some people. I have learned since last year that following the Dow Jones numbers as a sign of economic health, is riddled with some contradictions in light of present exposures.
Much of the present drop has to do with several major companies complicit with the deep darkness and losing economic strength, therefore affecting overall Wall Street numbers. There are certain giant companies involved in dark monopolies that will either clean up their acts or cease to exist. In the short run, these will affect day-to-day Dow Jones numbers.

However in the long run, the economy will bend toward being the strongest ever, and all numbers will agree and bear that out. The Fed will have to be reined in. Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, etc. will also have to be reined in—but it will happen. The red tsunami that comes over them is not just a political result, but the Blood of Jesus coming in and showing who is Boss. Corrupt billionaire and corrupt trillionaire families are about to get a wake-up call from Him who paid with His Blood the price to regain ALL authority in Heaven AND ON EARTH. Psalms 2 says that He who sits in the heavens laughs at and holds in derision those who believe THEY have the power.
Things are about to change. Stay encouraged and stay expectant for the subsequent red waves generated by the Lamb's agenda on Earth. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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