Thursday, January 19, 2012

Another Day in Paradise

     It is another beautiful day here in Longboat Key!
     Yesterday we went to the Lazy Lobster Restaurant for dinner.  What a great choice!  The food was delicious!
     We were planning to go there sometime because it was on the list of places to eat I had compiled from highly rated reviews, but since I had read the reviews for the Casa del Mar on TripAdvisor when I was looking for a new place to stay, I discovered there was a $50 coupon for use at a local restaurant on TripAdvisor.  When we got to the Casa del Mar they presented us with the coupon which was designated to be used at the Lazy Lobster.  Being the practical minded (cheap) people we are, we decided to use it during the discounted "early bird" dinner from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.  That was a great idea because even though I called for reservations, as was suggested, there was no crowd and after ordering recommendations from the waitress (I had lemon sole) we still have $18.26 to spend on another meal.  We are looking forward to our next visit!
     I think we are going to walk to a restaurant a mile or two down the beach for breakfast this morning and after walking back, we will probably spend a few hours reading.  What a great opportunity!  I love to read! When I'm home I don't often let myself read novels because I get so caught up in them that I don't get anything else done, so I brought 6 with me.
     I've already finished one,  The Bride Collector, by Ted Dekker.  It certainly kept my interest.  Country Guy has already read The Woods by Harlen Coben and The Fourth of July, by James Patterson.  That is amazing because he never reads novels at home!  he liked both of them.  Of course, I've been alternating my novel reading with non-fiction and am almost finished with Sacrilege, by Hugh Halter, which I wrote about a few days ago.  I have really enjoyed it!  Hugh is a gifted writer.  Some of his stories make me laugh out loud.  But he also has a very refreshing way of looking at Christianity and communicating what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.  As our old friend, Tommy Tyson, who was the truest example of the love of Jesus I've ever been around, used to say, "He makes me want to be a Christian." I am hoping to find The Tangible Kingdom  written by Hugh, and by Matt Smay, while I'm in Florida.  If not, I'll be ordering it from Amazon when I get home.
    Time to get ready for breakfast, so I'll check in later.

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