Saturday, August 10, 2013

A fun day with Josie!

      Josie and I had a fun lunch in Terre Haute, and then we stopped in at Inland Aquatics to see what kinds of fish they had.  Our younger son is working on a salt water aquarium and had mentioned how interesting the place was, but I had not thought to make a point of going there until yesterday when Josie and I were looking for something different to do together.  It was memorable.
      While we were talking at lunch, I discovered Josie's cell phone was not working.  Since I'm in the process of changing cell phone carriers I told her we should try her sim card in my old one and if it worked she could have it.  She said maybe she & her mom could come over to get it later in the afternoon and also help me pick beans.
      So after we got home, not only Josie & her mom, but her 2 brothers came over.  We picked a 5 gallon bucket and another one half full of beans and dug a few potatoes.  Fortunately, they took some of the beans home and my mom & sister wanted some so I don't have to freeze any right now. ( It looks as if there are going to be lots more so I'm sure I will have the opportunity later.)
      Their dad then came for supper so we picked up pizza and then the boys entertained us with 'tricks' they had learned from friends and one that Martin (our European tour guide) had taught them.  Such a nice day!
     (The phone worked great for Josie so she is delighted to have a new (to her) smartphone.  Her brother helped her clear all my info and then set it up with her email, etc.)

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