Walk of Repentance NYC April 13th 
Dear Friends,
Three weeks ago I sent an email inviting you to join me in prayer for our nation and to join me in a prayer walk from Federal Hall to St. Paul’s Chapel at Ground Zero in New York. So many people have responded that I felt I need to provide more insight and information. If you did not see this last email newsletter, click here for a copy.
Most of those that teach about the end times do not see a role for America and predict doom and gloom for us. Mostly they believe that we have become so full of sin and deception that God has no place for us. They see Matthew 24 and Revelation, not just as warnings but cut in stone. They see these passages as God’s decree and that there is no hope for America.
I disagree! I am looking forward to the future and to God’s blessing and to the judgment of evil. Without judgment there would be no hope! Without judgment there would be no end of evil in the universe or in men’s hearts. There could be no heaven, because heaven would then be filled with locks and prison, hatred, violence, and fear. Heaven would cease to be heaven and would become hell instead. But there is heaven, and there is a time and place of no more sorrow…no more hate…no more crying…and no more pain. There must be a judgment. Evil must end…beyond which is heaven.
We must remember that God is love and that He cares about His people. I want to be one of His People, and live under His wings!
It is time to look deep within ourselves and our nation. This is the first time in our History that our president has endorsed homosexuality and opposed the sanctity of marriage. He has aggressively promoted abortion, dependency on the government through welfare, food stamps, etc. He has opposed free enterprise and promoted radical socialism. He has continued to misunderstand the ancient hatreds in the Middle East and is throwing Israel under the buss while promoting the Muslim Brotherhood.
It is not a time to be discouraged it is a time to pray. I do not accept our president’s view of our future. I choose to pray and repent and accept God’s view of the future. It is not time sit back, it is time to get involved and be proactive. God is giving us warnings and asking us to pray and repent and change the course of our nation’s future.
So far our political leaders have responded to His warnings with arrogance just as Israel did in Isaiah 9. But as one of our Christian leaders, I choose to respond in confession and repentance. I am not willing to turn our future over to our political leaders! I believe that God has great plans for America and you and me. I choose to respond in a manner that glorifies Him and not the state or self.
The first Congress met at Federal Hall in New York in 1789 and then they walked to St. Paul’s Chapel where they dedicated our new nation to the LORD. I feel led to once again meet at Federal Hall and walk to St. Paul’s Chapel and repent for what has happened and is happening in America. To reject the view that our president has for our future; to pray for our political leaders and for our religious leaders; to command in the Name of Jesus that the blinders from satan (deception) be removed from our hearts and minds; that the Holy Spirit would move and convict all of us of our many sins; that our hearts would turn back to Him.
Israel and America as nations are tied together. So far both nations have responded in pride and arrogance that has led to only more calamities. It is time to do what Scripture requires and recognize the sins of our nations and repent—just as Daniel did in Daniel 9 and as Nehemiah did in Nehemiah 9. It is time to confess the sins that have brought our nations into bondage and captivity. It is time to read the Covenants and Statues of our LORD and Savior and be obedient to them. Yeshua/Jesus says, “If you love me obey me.”
On Saturday, April 13th I will be walking from Federal Hall in New York City to St. Paul’s Chapel at Ground Zero repenting for my sins and confessing the sins of my nation. I feel that God has been asking me to do this as a prophetic act. Will you join me either in person or in prayer? Only God can heal our land, but His healing can come only through our confession and repentance.
There has never been a time in the history of America where as a nation we have endorsed more sin and been more opposed to God and His precepts. It is time to stand up for truth. God’s blessing on America will not continue in our sin, just as it did not for ancient Israel in its sin.
Please join me on April 13th at 10 AM, Eastern Time, at Federal Hall. Please write or call and let me know if you plan on being there in person or if you are joining me in prayer from your home.
God bless you,
Dr. Art Mathias
I attended the Walk of Repentance and was honored to be there. We started out by reading scripture and praying on the steps of Federal Hall. In the air, a whisper of an anonymous flute was playing,"The Star Spangled Bannner." As we continued our prayers, the Holy Spirit fell gently on us as if to bless the efforts of our hearts...People from all across this great country who gathered as strangers shared and talked to one another and became one in the Lord. The devoted journey culminated with spontaneous prayers of repentance. Friends who were strangers just hours before cried tears for each other's heartfelt plea for the Lord to forgive the sins of our land. It was an appointed time and the Lord blessed each of us who were present. Thank you to those who planned this and those who were with us in spirit.
Thanks, Diane, for attending the Walk of Repentance--and for your prayers. I very much appreciated your posting comments on your experience. Wish I could have been there.
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