Sunday, March 29, 2015

Frank Laubach - devotional - March 29, 1937

Frank Laubach was a wonderful giant in the Kingdom.  Wikipedia has this to say about him, "In 1915 (see Laubach, Thirty Years With the Silent Billion), while working among Muslims at a remote location in the Philippines, he developed the "Each One Teach One" literacy program. It has been used to teach about 60 million people to read in their own language.[1] He was deeply concerned about poverty, injustice and illiteracy, and considered them barriers to peace in the world."

He was a mystic who wrote many books and devotionals, the most famous being "The Game With Minutes" where he details his experiment in attempting to keep conscious of God at least one second of every minute of every day.  In the Monday, March 29, 1937, entry in "Learning the Vocabulary of God - A Spiritual Diary" he elaborates further on the benefits and his desire to always be working on  this practice.

I Corinthians 15    -       Bombay
"GOD, experience proves that a minute with Thee always brings fruit, often woderful fruit; experience proves that a minute apart from Thee is wasted or full of thoughts of malice or vice.  Abide in Me as the branch abides in the vine.  It abides all the time, every moment.  Before me is an electric plug.  The moment I disconnect the cord, the light goes out.  What I got the last minute does not help.  I may still be a little warm, but I am no longer a light.  "Apart from me ye can do nothing"--say nothing, be nothing, help nothing.  So I must keep plugged in every second.  Hard but essential.  Think Thy thoughts, God, here all day--Thine, not mine. 

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