Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Good Lie

Are you looking for a good movie to watch?  We rented the movie "The Good Lie" a couple of nights ago and thought it was excellent!  I highly recommend that everyone see this movie.  Not only is it well made with an excellent cast, but it also opened our eyes to the suffering those in the Sudan have been undergoing for so many years.  It is based on a true story about 'the lost boys of the Sudan.'

It is infuriating that we have to wait for a movie to be made to become aware of the tradgedies that are occuring around the world in our brothers and sisters lives.  Our news media should be ashamed of the trivia they broadcast as news instead of being true journalists who help to uncover and publish the suffering in other countries.  We, in the West, have become so self indulgent and unconcerned about our responsibility to help those in need.

Shame on us!  And shame on our country's government for not being more concerned about the lives and welfare of these displaced people instead of subsidizing those who are not willing to work but want the government to take care of them.  It is absolutely wrong that our president and memberts of congress are supporting illegal aliens when there are those who will sacrifice everything for the opportunity to be productive and make a contribution to the world.

See the movie and let me know what you think.

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