"It's Your Coming Out Season and Your Turnaround Year"
Just recently I have been hearing the word "Turnaround." I looked up the definition and it says: an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favorable situation: "it was a remarkable turnaround in his fortunes."
Then I saw a huge wave. In this wave many things were being taken from God's people, and many of God's people were actually in this wave being drawn away from the shore into the deep, deep waters. They did not understand what was happening to them. Situations and circumstances were bringing them further and further into deep waters. It was in these deep waters that God was hiding these people and taking those things from them "to shape and position them" – ONLY TO bring them back to shore to display them.

On Display... A Coming Out...
You actually know who you are and where you have been, and have been wondering, "How did I ever get here?" You know in your heart that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. The door is opening for you, the deep waters are changing currents below, and there is a shifting.
I see a "coming out" and not just an ordinary coming out. It is a celebration of "Coming Out." There is a global coming out for those of you who were hidden in this last season. Age has no bearing on this coming out because you have been groomed to begin to work the supernatural workings of God.
"You have thought that in that place you would have died, however, I say to you," says the Lord, "that from this place, your life has been expanded and your years increased to be the exact number of years I have determined for you and not earlier as would have been the case."

There was a forging in the deep waters, a trust being developed in the corridor of that journey, where a boy becomes a man and girl becomes a woman; where there is a rite of passage that tests and develops fruit and perseverance and fortitude! There is a knowing that your God is with you no matter what you see, feel or hear.
This is your season. Get ready, for you are about to be displayed! It is your turnaround! Expect the unexpected that results in a more favorable situation because your eyes are about to see that which was prophesied over you, and your ears are about to hear the sound of an abundance of God's grace.
It's time. It's time to smile, it's time to dance, it's time to rise up with wings as eagles, as you are about to take the flight of your life!
Nellie Elaine
Nellie Elaine Ministries / Itinerant, XP Ministries
Nellie Elaine Ministries / Itinerant, XP Ministries
Website: nellieelaineministries.com / XPMinistries.com
Everything happens to you
The most beneficial thing for you right now is to realize that everything that happens to you is allowed by God to help you mature and grow. Once you realize this, you can gain a higher perspective on your life and the trials you are facing.
The most beneficial thing for you right now is to realize that everything that happens to you is allowed by God to help you mature and grow. Once you realize this, you can gain a higher perspective on your life and the trials you are facing.
Life is never without trying times and pain. The key to it all is how you view it. If you think everything that is happening to is punishment from God, then the enemy has succeeded in short-circuiting your spiritual growth.
If you think bad things happen to you because you must have done something wrong, then you will most likely not get out of the loop of discouragement.
The fastest way to grow and mature is to realize that God loves you and is not your enemy. Begin to see your pain or disappointments as a time of learning.
You can change anything in your life right now by changing the way you view it and how it affects you. Here’s some good news for you: people who have a higher calling and great destiny receive lots of discouragement and setbacks. This is because what you will learn through it all goes into a firm foundation that God can build your tall calling on.
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