Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Wisdom from Brother Lawrence

As I was reading Brother Lawrence's The Practice Of The Presence Of God this morning I was particularly drawn to the following two words of wisdom.  I absolutely believe both of them and desire to live my life accordingly even though at times I forget and get distracted by criticism and others' comments.

Many years ago I heard someone say, "It doesn't matter who you please in life if you displease God, and if you please God it doesn't matter who you displease."  I realized then that I wanted to please God more than anything.

Brother Lawrence says the same thing from a different angle.  "The most excellent method I have found of going to God is that of doing common business without any view of pleasing men, and as far as I am capable, doing it purely for the love of God."

Later in the same chapter he says:
"We ought to purpose ourselves towards this end: to become in this life the most perfect worshipper of God we can possibly be (since that is what we hope to be throughout all eternity.)

Obviously, this would be the most important thing we could do to please God, wouldn't it?  To make it our goal to become the most perfect worshipper of Him that we can possibly be!

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